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University of Massachusetts

Values and Mission Statements:

UMass Boston:

  • Pursue positive engagement and social progress
  • Serve as a public research university with a focus on improving lives locally and globally
  • Foster democracy, train a diverse workforce, influence equitable public policy, and increase urban resiliency
  • Cultivate an anti-racist and health-promoting institution
  • Encourage community collaboration and engage in aligned research and programming related to racial and environmental justice.

UMass Amherst School of Public Health and Health Sciences:

  • Education and scholarship for better global health
  • Expand community engagement to promote social justice and health equity
  • Improve quality of life through increased research output and dissemination
  • Create a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment for career fulfillment.

UMass Boston Health Services:

  • Contribute to an environment valuing education, prevention, wellness, and community responsibility
  • Advocate for universal healthcare rights
  • Focus on preventative student-centered healthcare services
  • Participate in advancing healthcare through research, practice, and quality management.

UMass Chan Medical School:

  • Lead and innovate in education, research, health care delivery, and public service
  • Embrace diversity and inclusivity
  • Train versatile healthcare providers equipped for changing professions
  • Develop comprehensive approaches to primary care incorporating population health and social factors
  • Drive scientific exploration and translation into patient benefits via commercial ventures.

Relevant Healthcare Issues for Interviews:

Given the emphasis placed on social justice, anti-racism, health promotion, and community engagement across various campuses of the University of Massachusetts (UMass), applicants could expect questions relating to these topics during their admissions interviews. Specific areas might include:

  • How you plan to integrate concepts of social justice and equity into your future medical practice.
  • Your understanding of how structural inequities affect health disparities and what steps you would take to address them.
  • Examples of times when you have worked towards reducing barriers to healthcare access or improved health literacy among underserved groups.
  • Experiences working in diverse settings or interacting with individuals from varying sociocultural backgrounds.
  • Ideas for enhancing community outreach efforts or forming meaningful partnerships with community organizations.

University of Massachusetts Values and Mission Statements

University of Massachusetts Amherst (School of Public Health)

The vision of the University of Massachusetts Amherst School of Public Health and Health Sciences is "to serve, inspire, and improve quality of life and health equity for the Commonwealth and beyond". Their mission is stated as "education and scholarship for a healthier world." They aim to achieve these goals by expanding engagement with community partners, improving the quality of life in the Commonwealth and beyond through increased research productivity, and maintaining a safe, supportive, and inclusive community for students, faculty, and staff to pursue knowledge and fulfilling careers.

University of Massachusetts Boston

At UMass Boston, the mission involves contributing to an environment that values education, prevention, wellness, and community responsibility while also supporting the academic success and personal development of students through excellent care provided in welcoming and inclusive settings. Their vision focuses on enhancing the mission of higher education through promoting optimal health and well-being among the campus community. Key values highlighted include belief in human dignity, social justice, personal respect for all individuals, commitment to preventative health services, participation in advancing healthcare through research and practice, adherence to professional excellence, and integration with broader educational initiatives.

UMass Chan Medical School

The mission of UMass Chan Medical School is to advance the health and wellness of diverse communities globally by leading and innovating in education, research, health care delivery, and public service. Its vision includes embracing diversity, educating adaptable clinicians and researchers, designing comprehensive approaches to primary care, driving scientific inquiry, encouraging collaboration, harmonizing interprofessional efforts, engaging locally and internationally, and leveraging translational science to deliver commercialized therapeutics.

Relevant Healthcare Issues for Interviews

For applicants attending interviews at any of the University of Massachusetts campuses, understanding topics related to health equity, social justice, and community engagement would be beneficial. Familiarity with current trends in public health, particularly those affecting the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, could demonstrate interest and preparation for studies there. Additionally, given the focus on community engagement and outreach, being aware of how various health disparities affect specific demographics might prove advantageous during discussions.

University of Massachusetts Medical School Interview Information

General Information

  • URL:
  • Format: Virtual interviews for the 2023-2024 application cycle.
  • Questions: Includes topics such as personal attributes, motivations, career aspirations, and understanding of healthcare issues.
  • Preparation Materials: Access to orientation videos outlining the MMI, admission processes, and financial aid; meeting with current medical students available.

University of Massachusetts Related Healthcare Issues

  • No direct reference to specific healthcare issues found in the search results.

Region-Specific University of Massachusetts Healthcare Issues

  • Specific regional healthcare issues relevant to Massachusetts not explicitly mentioned in the search results.

University of Massachusetts Community Engagement

  • Not directly addressed in the search results.

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