Healthcare conversations
made easy.

Say what you meant to say — the first time. Our learning and clinical tools make challenging conversations painless.

We reimagined a fantastic resource and added a few more of our own.

We've helped hundreds of learners get into their healthcare profession with these curated interview practice resources. Practice and improve with us for the best results.

Become confident with our metrics-based assurance

We've reviewed thousands of responses to reliably calibrate your response. Feel confident; you've earned it.

We're with you every step of the way.

Our guided learning paths are honed by years of mentorship and successful applicants, backed by thousands of reviews. So go ahead, start your journey with confidence!

Day 1 - Goal Setting

Welcome to your 14-Day Comprehensive Interview Preparation Pathway, meticulously designed to enhance your readiness for medical school interviews. This program integrates a blend of courses, daily prompts, ethical discussions, communication modules, and full-length MMIs, culminating in a personalized and intensive learning experience.


Let's get started

Start your interview preparation journey with Videoath. We'll figure out your schedule, intensity level, and goals you want to achieve. You'll be gently guided, or pushed if you signed up late, on your personalised path.
Day 1
(85%tile score) • 112 reviews

Complete your daily tasks to reach your goal.

Diagnostic MMI
Module - 15min
Bioethics: Bioethics Tools
Module - 10min
Bioethics: Breaking Bad News
Module - 10min
Bioethics: Confidentiality
Module - 10min
Bioethics: Professionalism
Module - 10min
Opening Up - Practice Prompt
Prompt - 5min

Engage with a series of 5-minute prompts designed to test your skills.

Diagnostic MMI
Module - 15 min
Prompt 1
Prompt - 5min
Prompt 2
Prompt - 5min
Prompt 3
Prompt - 5min
Prompt 4
Prompt - 5min

Receive periodic personalised and group feedback.

Sample Feedback 1
Video - 5min
Sample Feedback 2
Video - 5min
Group Feedback
Video - 5min

Day 3


Good work

You're making great progress! Today's focus expands to include complex bioethical dilemmas and advanced communication techniques, ensuring a well-rounded preparation.

Complete your daily tasks to reach your goal.

Bioethics: DNR
Module - 10min
Bioethics: End of Life Issues
Module - 10min
Bioethics: Genetics
Module - 10min
Communication Module: Medical Interview
Module - 10min
Interview Approach: 5 Paragraph Video Essay
Module - 10min

Now practice with these prompts.

Prompt 1
Prompt - 5min
Prompt 2
Prompt - 5min
Prompt 3
Prompt - 5min
Prompt 4
Prompt - 5min

Day 5


Good work

Today, we explore the intersection of ethics, law, and communication in medical practice. Engage with modules on Ethics and Law, DNR During Anesthesia, Ethics Committees, and more, each designed to provoke thought and refine your ethical reasoning.
Personalized and Adaptive Learning Schedule

Your program is tailored to your unique learning needs, with adjustments made based on your initial performance in diagnostic assessments and other prompts. By analyzing your scores across critical areas such as self-reflection, critical thinking, problem-solving, healthcare issues & policy, and medical ethics, the program pinpoints your areas for improvement. Your performance is benchmarked against previous successful applicants to your target medical school, ensuring that your preparation is not just on par but aims to exceed the standards set by last year's candidates.


Complete your daily tasks to reach your goal.

Bioethics: Ethics and Law
Module - 10min
Bioethics: DNR During Anesthesia and Urgent Procedures
Module - 10min
Bioethics: Ethics Committees and Consultation
Module - 10min
Communication Module: Explanation & Planning
Module - 10min
Interview Approach: Thesis, Anti-Thesis, Synthesis
Module - 10min

Now practice with these prompts.

Prompt 1
Prompt - 5min
Prompt 2
Prompt - 5min
Prompt 3
Prompt - 5min
Prompt 4
Prompt - 5min
Prompt 5
Prompt - 5min

Day 7


Good work

You've come a long way, and today's tasks are designed to consolidate your learning. Focus on Termination of Life Sustaining Treatment, Treatment Refusal, and Breaking Bad News, ensuring you're equipped to handle sensitive conversations with compassion and professionalism.

Complete your daily tasks to reach your goal.

Bioethics: Termination of Life Sustaining Treatment
Module - 10min
Bioethics: Treatment Refusal
Module - 10min
Communication Module: Breaking Bad News
Module - 10min

Now practice with these prompts.

Prompt 1
Prompt - 5min
Prompt 2
Prompt - 5min
Prompt 3
Prompt - 5min
Prompt 4
Prompt - 5min
Prompt 5
Prompt - 5min

Member success stories

Celebrating our successes together

"Thank you for what's been such an invaluable experience while preparing for interviews. I really can't thank you all enough. I appreciate the encouragement throughout the process ... enabling me to tailor my process in a way that really made sense to me. I'm very grateful for the valuable experience and and very it feel very indebted to the community."
1st year med at Queens
"Thank you so much to the Videoath team and med students (especially, Eric who was the mentor for our "intensive" group). Your feedback and encouraging words have made the gruelling interview prep so much easier to endure. Thank you for the work you do!"
1st year med at Queens
"I'm so glad I found Videoath and was able to connect with the community of other med school hopefuls across Canada. The practice sessions and feedback (especially from the facilitators, when they had time!) helped me improve immensely and I believe helped me succeed on my MMI. Huge thanks to all volunteers and staff!"
1st year med
"Thank you all very much for your help. I hope that someday I'll be in a position to help other students like you guys have for me."
1st year med at Western
"Thank you Eric for leading our practice group. Eric was amazing. The community was so nice - to be working with people who are just so supportive. And everyone genuinely just wanted each other to succeed and I think that was just really invigorating for me."
1st year med at McMaster

Mentor-Led Preparation Programs

Start with an assessment then systematically learn and review with the best interview preparation program. An intensive approach to gain confidence with the most up to date medical education resources.

Personalized Mentorship

Our service goes beyond generic advice, offering you the invaluable opportunity to work closely with an experienced health professional who has firsthand experience in medical admissions. This mentorship includes up to six individual sessions, where your mock interviews are meticulously reviewed. After each session, you'll receive actionable feedback, clear objectives for improvement, and personalized goals for your next practice interview. Your mentor remains accessible, ready to answer questions and provide support, ensuring you're never alone in your preparation journey. We encourage daily check-ins which have had glowing reviews leading to admissions in all those who commit to the intensive program.

Assessment & Feedback

Your responses undergo a detailed review by medical experts and successful applicants, ensuring personalized and constructive feedback aimed at enhancing your skills. This process includes regular assessments that compare your performance against thousands of peers, providing a standardized score for clear progress tracking. Our approach is designed to help you improve continuously, stand out in your applications, and achieve excellence with every attempt.

Responses Answered by Medical Experts and Successful Applicants

Not sure how to start? Still having some mental blocks in unlocking 90%ile responses? Learn from medical experts and successful applicants from previous cohorts. Access to the best answers are derived from our respository of thousands of responses over years of submissions. Make huge gains with these answers at your fingertips.

Practice Perfection

Prepare with assigned practice scenarios and diagnose your capabilities. From concise mini exercises to comprehensive full-length MMI simulations, our practice sets are designed to prepare you thoroughly, ensuring you're well-equipped to handle the diverse challenges of the interview process.

Guidance and Step Towards Admission

One-page guidance reports provide next steps and clear outcomes to keep you on track. Walk the path of thousands of successful applicants and see the same results in two weeks.

Learn Content

Be fully prepared for any interview question. Medical experts guide and teach  with materials from medical school and residency programs. Intensive courses, skills-based modules, and interactive worksheets will help you to be ready for any scenario.

Comprehensive Program
High-yield medical school resources to be your best self.
Hover for more
Learn Content
7 Fundamental Courses Including Interview Approaches
5 Skills-based Modules
75+ hrs of Instruction from Medical Students & Physicians
45 Interactive Worksheets
Assessment & Feedback
Unlimited recording with feedback link sharing
50 One-Page Personal Feedback Reports
5 Full-length MMI and 10 Mini MMI Sets
Expert Responses
50 Expert Responses from Medical Students & Physicians
300 Sample Responses of Successful Applicants
25 Personalised Responses


How does it work?

With just one click, you can begin practicing in an online interview format. Once you're ready for constructive feedback, our expert reviewers will evaluate your submissions and provide detailed critiques to help you present your best self.

Why Videoath?

We understand the value of deliberate practice. Videoath is designed to provide a competitive edge, combining structured practice sessions with personalized feedback from experienced reviewers. This approach ensures you are fully prepared to tackle your interview with confidence and precision.

What is "Videoath"?

Videoath" represents our community's commitment to excellence. Just as healthcare professionals uphold the Hippocratic Oath, we are dedicated to helping students reach their full potential through focused, deliberate practice, ensuring they are ready to excel as healthcare providers.

When should I start practising?

Our philosophy is straightforward: the earlier you start, the better. Success is built on consistent practice and repetition. Similar to MCAT preparation or honing any skill, practice—paired with focused feedback—leads to measurable improvement over time.

But I don't feel ready.

We're here to support you throughout your journey. You can take as many practice runs as you need, without pressure. Practice at your own pace, and when you're ready, we'll be here to provide constructive feedback and guidance.

Still have questions?