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University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine Values and Mission Statement


  • Integrity
  • Teamwork
  • Innovation
  • Trust
  • Compassion
  • Accountability
  • Excellence

Mission Statement

"To provide world-class patient care, exemplary client and referring veterinarian communication, and the best possible education for our students and the profession."

Interview Preparation Topics

For applicants preparing for an interview at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, it would be beneficial to understand the following topics related to the institution's focus areas:

  • One Health Approach: Familiarize yourself with how the college integrates animal and human health initiatives, recognizing the interconnectedness between them.

  • Clinical Training: Be prepared to discuss the importance of hands-on training in diverse clinical settings, which includes supervised patient care and exposure to different aspects of veterinary medicine during clinical rotations.

  • Research Emphasis: Understand the significance placed on research contributions towards advancing veterinary medicine and its impact on public health, environmental sustainability, and global development.

  • Professionalism and Ethics: Demonstrate awareness of ethical considerations in veterinary practice, including high moral ethics, professional values, leadership qualities, and sensitivity to societal needs.

University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine Values and Mission Statement

Core Values

  • Integrity
  • Teamwork
  • Innovation
  • Trust
  • Compassion
  • Accountability
  • Excellence.

Mission Statement

"To provide world class patient care, exemplary client and referring veterinarian communication, and the best possible education for our students and the profession.".

Relevant Healthcare Issues for Interview Preparedness

Given the focus of the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine on providing comprehensive veterinary education and delivering excellent patient care, it would be beneficial for applicants to be aware of current trends and challenges in veterinary medicine. Some topics could include:

  • Animal Welfare: Understanding ethical considerations regarding the treatment of animals and how veterinarians play a role in ensuring proper care and handling.
  • One Health Initiative: Recognizing the interconnectedness between animal, environmental, and human health and discussing strategies for addressing emerging diseases and public health concerns.
  • Advances in Diagnostic Technology: Staying up-to-date with new tools and techniques used in veterinary medicine for early detection and accurate diagnosis of illnesses.
  • Emergency Response Planning: Discussing preparedness measures for natural disasters or disease outbreaks affecting large populations of animals.
  • Zoonotic Disease Control: Explaining methods for preventing the transmission of infectious agents from animals to humans and vice versa.
  • Climate Change Impact: Addressing potential effects of climate change on animal health and habitat loss, along with adaptive management strategies.

University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine


  • URL:

Values & Mission Statement

  • Link unavailable in search results. Please refer directly to the official University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine website for updated information.

Related Healthcare Issues

  • Link unavailable in search results. Please refer directly to the official University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine website for updates on current health topics relevant to its programs.

Region-Specific Healthcare Issues

  • Link unavailable in search results. Please refer directly to the official University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine website for regional health concerns specific to the area served by the institution.

Community Engagement

  • Link unavailable in search results. Please refer directly to the official University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine website for information regarding community service initiatives undertaken by the institution.

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