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Touro Nevada


interview process

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Touro University - Nevada Mission and Values


  • Social Justice
  • Intellectual Pursuit
  • Service to Humanity
  • Equal Access to Quality Education
  • Treatment of All Individuals with Integrity and Respect
  • Personal and Professional Ethics
  • Building a Responsive and Responsible Society


  • Educating Caring Professionals to Serve, Lead, and Teach
  • Providing Quality Education Programs in the Fields of Healthcare and Education
  • Committed to Social Justice, Intellectual Pursuit, and Service to Humanity

Healthcare Issues for Interview Preparation

Given Touro University's dedication to serving underserved communities and promoting diversity in healthcare, applicants may want to prepare for discussions related to:

  • Addressing disparities in healthcare access and outcomes.
  • Recruiting and retaining minority healthcare providers.
  • Implementing culturally sensitive practices in patient care.
  • Developing strategies to address the specific healthcare needs of rural and urban underserved populations.

Touro University – Nevada Values and Mission Statement


  • Social Justice
  • Intellectual Pursuit
  • Service to Humanity


  • "Educating Caring Professionals to Serve, to Lead, and to Teach."
  • "Provide Quality Education Programs in the Fields of Healthcare and Education."

Relevant Health Care Issues for Interviews

For the Touro University – Nevada interview, applicants should be prepared to discuss topics related to serving underserved communities, promoting diversity in healthcare, and advancing patient-centered care. Familiarize yourself with current trends and initiatives in healthcare delivery and policy reform, particularly in relation to expanding access to healthcare services and improving population health outcomes. Additionally, given Touro's values emphasizing lifelong learning and scholarly activity, showcasing interest in ongoing research and evidence-based practices could be beneficial during the interview process.

Interview Information

  • Touro University - Nevada Medical School Interviews.

Values & Mission Statement

  • Values: Compassionate Care, Integrity, Respect, Collaboration, Innovative Learning Environment.
  • Mission: To train osteopathic physicians who are committed to primary care medicine; enhance the wellness of individuals through patient education and preventive health measures; serve rural communities where there may be limited access to physician services; promote research activities that will improve public health outcomes within our state's population.

Healthcare Issues Related to Region

General Issues

  • Nevada State Profile, including key statistics on cancer incidence rates by county, age adjusted death rate per 100k people, diabetes prevalence among adults aged 18 years and older, etc.

Specific Issues

  • Health Disparities Report focusing on race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, socioeconomic factors, geographic location, language proficiency, immigration status, cultural beliefs and practices, religion, and other characteristics relevant to understanding disparities in health and health care delivery across different populations.

Community Engagement Activities

  • Community Outreach Programs, which aim to address specific needs identified during these assessments while also providing opportunities for student learning about local resources available to support healthy lifestyles throughout life stages.

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