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Mercy Ohio


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Mercy College of Ohio's Values and Mission Statement


Mercy College of Health Sciences adheres to five core values that guide its operations and interactions within the community:

  • Knowledge: A drive towards continuous learning, observation, investigation, and fostering a love for studying that benefits humanity.
  • Reverence: An attitude of profound respect for all creation, influencing relations with oneself, others, and God while recognizing what has been entrusted to us.
  • Integrity: Acting with moral wholesomeness, truthfulness, and authenticity as foundations for reliability.
  • Compassion: Empathizing with others, sharing joys and sorrows, stemming from a sense of unity among humans.
  • Excellence: Striving beyond expectations to consistently deliver outstanding performance and maintaining superior standards.

Mission Statement

The mission of Mercy College of Health Sciences is to equip students with the necessary skills for serving and leading in the healthcare sector by combining these core values with both professional and liberal arts and sciences education.

Healthcare Issues to Be Familiar With

For the Mercy College of Ohio interview, it would be beneficial to understand contemporary healthcare challenges and trends. Some key areas might include:

  • Health disparities and accessibility, particularly regarding underserved populations.
  • Interprofessional teamwork and communication strategies in delivering patient care.
  • Cultural sensitivity and addressing the needs of patients from various backgrounds.
  • Innovations in medical technology.
  • Public health concerns such as chronic diseases, mental health, substance abuse, and environmental factors affecting health.
  • Policy changes in healthcare delivery models and financing structures.

Mercy College of Ohio Values and Mission Statement

Our Vision

Mercy College of Health Sciences envisions becoming a local and regional leader, transforming students into healthcare professionals who carry forward the ministry of healing.

Our Mission

Mercy College of Health Sciences prepares graduates for service and leadership within the healthcare community by combining its core values with a comprehensive education encompassing professional studies along with liberal arts and sciences.

Core Values

As a Catholic institution influenced by the legacy of the Sisters of Mercy, Mercy College operates based on these five core values:

  • Knowledge: A drive towards continuous learning, observing, investigating, and fostering a love for acquiring new information to better humanity's health and welfare.
  • Reverence: An attitude of profound respect and wonder for all creations, guiding interactions among ourselves, each other, and with God while recognizing our role as custodians of what we possess.
  • Integrity: Acting morally wholeheartedly, honestly, and authentically, forming the cornerstone of reliability and confidence.
  • Compassion: Sharing feelings with others, standing alongside them during times of hardship and happiness, grounded in unity as members of the human family.
  • Excellence: Pursuing outstanding achievements, qualities, and virtues, constantly exceeding expectations to attain and sustain superior performance.

Key Healthcare Issues for Interview Preparation

For applicants seeking entry into Mercy College of Ohio, it would be beneficial to research current trends and challenges affecting the U.S. healthcare system, including but not limited to:

  • Affordable Care Act implementation and reforms.
  • Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on public health strategies and patient care delivery models.
  • Advancements in telehealth and remote monitoring technologies.
  • Addressing disparities in access to healthcare across various demographics.
  • Innovations in medical technology and treatments.
  • Ethical dilemmas surrounding end-of-life decisions and advanced directives.

Mercy College of Ohio Values and Mission Statement

  • Official Website:
  • Values to Guide You:

Mercy College of Ohio Related Healthcare Issues

  • Official Website:

Region-Specific Mercy College of Ohio Healthcare Issues

  • No relevant regional healthcare issue resources were found within the search criteria specified.

Mercy College of Ohio Community Engagement

  • Official Website:

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