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Kettering Medical


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Kettering Medical Center Values and Mission Statement

The Kettering Medical Center operates under specific principles that define its identity and operations. These principles include:


"To improve the quality of life of the people in the communities we serve through healthcare and education." This reflects the institution's dedication to enhancing patient outcomes and contributing positively to society via educational initiatives.


"Kettering Health will be recognized as the leader in transforming the healthcare experience." This highlights the center's aspirations towards becoming a benchmark provider within the healthcare sector.

Core Values

  • Caring: Demonstrating empathy and concern for individuals served.
  • Competent: Providing skilled and knowledgeable service.
  • Collaborative: Working cooperatively and effectively with others.
  • Trustworthy: Being reliable and dependable.
  • Innovative: Embracing creativity and forward thinking.

Relevant Health Issues for Interviews

As part of preparing for an interview with Kettering Medical Center, candidates may want to familiarize themselves with certain aspects related to the facility and local population. Some relevant topics could include:

  • Community Outreach Initiatives: Understanding any programs aimed at improving public health or addressing disparities among populations served by Kettering Medical Center.
  • Recognition and Awards: Familiarizing oneself with recent awards or recognition received by the institution, especially those pertaining to clinical performance or innovations in treatment delivery.
  • Services Offered: Knowledge of specialized services provided by the center, particularly if they align with one's professional interests or specialties.
  • Health Trends in Southwestern Ohio: Staying informed about regional health trends, challenges, and opportunities that impact the provision of care locally.

Kettering Medical Center Values and Mission Statement

The Kettering Medical Center has defined its mission, vision, and values as follows:


"Our mission is to improve the quality of life of the people in the communities we serve through healthcare and education.".


"We will be recognized as the leader in transforming the healthcare experience.".


  • Caring: Providing empathy and support throughout patient care.
  • Competent: Delivering skilled and knowledgeable service.
  • Collaborative: Working effectively within teams to achieve shared objectives.
  • Trustworthy: Earning the confidence of those they serve.
  • Innovative: Pursuing new ideas and approaches to enhance care delivery..

Relevant Healthcare Issues for Interview Preparation

For applicants preparing for interviews at Kettering Medical Center, it would be beneficial to understand the institution's focus on specific healthcare challenges and advancements. Some notable aspects include:

  • Highlighting the integration of faith into healthcare practices, reflecting the influence of the Seventh-day Adventist tradition.
  • Discussing the importance of delivering holistic care encompassing body, mind, and spirit.
  • Demonstrating awareness of technological innovations such as robotic-assisted surgery and minimally invasive procedures where applicable.
  • Showcasing proficiency in treating complex conditions like cardiac diseases, neurological disorders, and various forms of cancer.
  • Emphasizing commitment to continuous learning and professional development in alignment with educational components of the center's mission.

Kettering Medical Center

Medical School Interview Resources:

Mission Statement and Core Values:

The official mission statement and core values of Kettering Medical Center could not be found directly in the search results. However, indirect indicators suggest that the institution places emphasis on delivering high-quality healthcare focusing on mind, body, and spirit, fostering collaboration among staff, maintaining strong community connections, and promoting continuous learning and development.

Related Healthcare Issues:

As a regional healthcare facility, Kettering Medical Center likely addresses a wide range of healthcare concerns relevant to its local population. Specific details about area-focused health issues were not available in the search results. For insights into broader trends and discussions around healthcare issues, resources such as reputable medical journals, conferences, and government reports should be explored.

Community Engagement:

Kettering Health actively engages with the community through participation in events and partnerships with organizations. Examples include:

  • Supporting cultural events like the "Culture Works" event series
  • Participating in charitable activities such as the annual "Holiday Adopt-A-Family" drive and the "School Supply Project"
  • Hosting and participating in community gatherings like the "Martin Luther King Jr. Community March" and the "Walk for Women's Wellness"

For detailed information on upcoming community events and volunteer opportunities, prospective applicants should check the latest news and announcements on the Kettering Medical Center websites or reach out to the respective departments for direct enquiries.

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