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Indiana State University

Mission and Core Values

University Level:

  • The mission statement emphasizes combining traditional higher education with a focus on community and public service, preparing productive citizens for Indiana and the world through integrated teaching, research, and creative activity in an engaged, challenging, and supportive learning environment.
  • The institution aims to improve communities inspired by a shared commitment to betterment, becoming nationally renowned for academic, cultural, and research opportunities promoting the success of its members.
  • Key values include integrity (demonstrated through honesty, civility, and fairness), scholarship (high standards for learning, teaching, and inquiry), transformation (fostering personal growth), responsibility (university citizenship), education (well-rounded curriculum including liberal arts and science studies), embracing diversity, and exercising stewardship over the global community.

Bayh College of Education:

  • The college has a daring approach to doing difficult but essential work that drives positive changes.
  • It focuses on relevance by being closely tied to communities and professions, recognizing current needs and potential futures.
  • Commitment to equity, inclusivity, and creating safe spaces for everyone to flourish.
  • A dedication to lifelong learning and using education as a tool for self-transformation.
  • An emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches, bridging theory, research, and practical application.

Student Affairs:

  • Promoting student success through collaboration with student organizations and various university departments.
  • Increasing student persistence and retention through integration into academic and social communities.
  • Facilitating the development of emotional maturity, independence, critical thinking, citizenship, and stewardship through extracurricular involvement and leadership opportunities.
  • Offering chances for diverse encounters.

Council on Inclusive Excellence:

  • Assesses the extent to which the university mirrors the demographics of Indiana and the U.S., particularly regarding students, faculty, administrative personnel, and support staff.
  • Identifies facilitative and obstructive elements affecting the attainment of a culturally welcoming setting.
  • Recommends actions to enhance institutional variety, surmount obstacles to a conducive climate for diversity, exploit existing prospects, and advance towards realizing the ambition of leading in the realm of twenty-first century diversification.

Healthcare Issues at Indiana State University

While specific health concerns may vary, some general topics relevant across many medical schools could include:

  • Opioid addiction treatment options and policies related to substance abuse disorders.
  • Mental health care access and delivery considering the increased demand due to COVID-19 pandemic impacts.
  • Chronic disease management, especially given rural populations served around Terre Haute.

Indiana State University's Mission and Core Values

Mission Statement

Indiana State University aims to transform the lives of students through a high-quality education infused with experiential learning, community engagement, and career readiness. The institution fosters a culture of inclusivity and support that empowers students to have an impact locally and globally after graduation.

Core Values

  • Learning: Preparing the next generation of leaders and citizens through personalized and transformative educational experiences leading to success inside and outside the classroom.
  • Discovery: Encouraging intellectual curiosity and advancement through the production of new knowledge and deeper comprehension.
  • Engagement: Collaborating with local and international communities to develop lasting connections based on integrity while promoting collective pride.
  • Inclusiveness: Taking proactive measures to recognize, appreciate, and implement diverse perspectives among individuals, thoughts, and expressions.

Healthcare Issues Relevant to ISU Medical School Applicants

While specific health concerns may vary over time, applicants could benefit from being aware of current trends and challenges facing healthcare systems. Some topics might include:

  • Access to Care: Understanding disparities in access to medical care due to socioeconomic status, geographic location, insurance coverage, etc., and potential solutions to improve equity.

  • Chronic Disease Management: Addressing the growing burden of chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, including preventive measures and effective management strategies.

  • Mental Health Services: Recognizing the importance of mental health treatment, reducing associated stigma, and increasing availability of resources.

  • Public Health Initiatives: Promoting healthy lifestyles, vaccination campaigns, substance abuse prevention programs, and other efforts aimed at improving overall community health.

  • Telehealth Advances: Discussing the role of technology in expanding patient reach and addressing rural healthcare shortages.

Indiana State University Medical School Interview Information


Indiana State University offers a Pre-Medicine program within its College of Arts and Sciences. The program aims to equip students interested in pursuing careers in medicine or other health professions with the necessary knowledge and strategies to complete prerequisite courses, identify suitable majors, and navigate the medical school application process successfully.


While there isn't detailed course information provided directly on the university website regarding the Pre-Medicine curriculum, prospective applicants typically need to fulfill certain science and math prerequisites before applying to medical schools. These often include biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, English, psychology, sociology, humanities, and social sciences.

Application Process

There aren't explicit details about the medical school application process unique to Indiana State University provided in the search results. However, generally speaking, the process involves submitting transcripts, MCAT scores, personal statements, recommendation letters, and sometimes secondary applications depending on the individual institutions where one applies.

Indiana State University Values and Mission Statement

Indiana State University values excellence, integrity, diversity, inclusiveness, innovation, collaboration, creativity, responsibility, accountability, service, sustainability, and lifelong learning. Its mission statement emphasizes providing high-quality education, fostering intellectual growth, preparing citizens for responsible lives, developing professionals, enhancing communities, and contributing to global endeavors.

Region-Specific Indiana State University Healthcare Issues

As per the search results, no direct mention was made of regional healthcare challenges faced by Indiana State University. However, broader statewide issues might impact local populations served by the institution. For example, according to America's Essential Hospitals, some key healthcare challenges facing hospitals in Indiana include increased demand for services, rising costs, changing payment models, and addressing disparities in access to care. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic created significant strains on hospital capacity across the country, potentially affecting regions around universities like Indiana State University.

Community Engagement

Indiana State University engages in various forms of community involvement. While specific examples relating to healthcare initiatives weren't found in the search results, the university does offer numerous volunteer opportunities and encourages participation in civic organizations.

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