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Franklin Pierce University Values and Mission Statement

Franklin Pierce University values excellence, integrity, innovation, respect, service, and sustainability. Its mission statement emphasizes preparing diverse learners to become engaged citizens and leaders in various fields, including the field of physician assistance studies.

Relevant Health Issues for Franklin Pierce University Interview

For the Franklin Pierce University interview, particularly regarding the master's degree programs in physician assistant studies, being knowledgeable about current trends and key aspects of healthcare delivery systems could prove beneficial. Here are some areas to consider:

  • Family planning: Understanding contemporary approaches to reproductive and sexual healthcare.

  • Immunizations: Knowledge of mandatory vaccinations for admittance, such as measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), varicella, tetanus, tuberculosis screening, etc..

  • Chronic disease prevention and management, especially considering the aging population and increasing prevalence of chronic conditions among young adults.

  • Mental health awareness given the growing importance of mental health support on college campuses.

  • Preventative measures against substance abuse.

Franklin Pierce University Values and Mission Statement

I could not locate explicit values and mission statements specifically for Franklin Pierce University's School of Health Sciences on the given websites. However, here are two relevant pieces of information regarding the broader framework of the university:

Core Values

While the core values listed on the main website apply across the whole university rather than being specific to the School of Health Sciences, they might still inform how the university approaches healthcare issues:

  • Integrity: Committed to honesty, trustworthiness, respect, and ethical behavior.
  • Excellence: Pursuing excellence in everything done, including academics, service, leadership, athletics, etc.
  • Community: Creating a supportive environment that fosters collaboration, diversity, and engagement among students, faculty, and alumni.
  • Service: Encouraging volunteerism and civic involvement both locally and globally.
  • Lifelong Learning: Promoting continuous intellectual growth and development.
  • Responsiveness: Responding effectively to changing conditions and opportunities.

These values suggest that Franklin Pierce emphasizes integrity, striving for excellence, promoting a sense of community, encouraging service, lifelong learning, and adaptability.

Graduate Health Professions Facilities

Although there isn't much direct information about healthcare issues pertinent to the Franklin Pierce University interview, the description of the facilities for graduate health programs suggests that the focus is on preparing professionals for diverse settings, including rural communities and underserved areas:

  • "From pictures online, it looks like a lot of the graduate health professions are located in one large building."

This indicates that the university likely places importance on having modern, centralized facilities for health sciences education.

Relevant Health Issues for Interview Discussion

Since the question asks about healthcare issues that premeds should know about for the Franklin Pierce University interview, consider discussing current trends and debates in healthcare delivery, especially concerning rural populations and community-based healthcare models. Given the emphasis on serving diverse patient populations and adapting to evolving circumstances mentioned earlier, demonstrating knowledge and interest in these aspects of healthcare provision could be beneficial.

Franklin Pierce University Medical School Interview Information


The Doctor of Osteopathy program at Franklin Pierce University offers an innovative curriculum that emphasizes clinical skills, research opportunities, and interprofessional education. The application process includes submitting primary applications through AACOMAS and supplemental materials directly to FPU.

Application Process

Applicants are encouraged to apply early due to rolling admissions. Key dates include:

  • June: Applications open on June 1st each year.
  • August: Supplementary applications become available online via email notification around August 1st.
  • September - October: Virtual "Meet Your Match" events where applicants meet faculty members one-on-one over Zoom.
  • October – November: On-campus interviews take place between mid-October and late November.
  • November: Acceptance letters begin going out by Thanksgiving break.

Franklin Pierce University Values and Mission Statement

Franklin Pierce's mission statement focuses on providing educational experiences that prepare individuals to think critically and creatively while fostering civic responsibility and social justice. Their core values revolve around academic excellence, integrity, respectful dialogue, inclusivity, sustainability, and service learning. These principles guide all aspects of student life and development within the institution.

Franklin Pierce University Related Healthcare Issues

As part of its commitment to preparing future health professionals, Franklin Pierce engages with various regional healthcare challenges. Some key areas of focus include rural medicine, public health initiatives, mental health services, substance abuse treatment, and telehealth solutions tailored to remote communities. By addressing these concerns head-on, the university aims to produce graduates who are well-equipped to tackle real-world problems effectively.

Region-Specific Franklin Pierce University Healthcare Issues

Being located in New Hampshire, Franklin Pierce faces unique healthcare challenges specific to this area. One significant issue is the opioid crisis which has had devastating effects across many parts of America including NH. Additionally, there is a need for more accessibility to preventative care services especially among underserved populations. Addressing these localized needs forms an integral part of Franklin Pierce's approach towards training competent physicians capable of meeting diverse patient requirements.

Franklin Pierce University Community Engagement

Community engagement plays a vital role at Franklin Pierce University. Through partnerships with organizations like Monadnock Family Services, Cheshire County Public Health Network, Greater Falls Warming Shelter Project, etc., students gain hands-on experience working alongside experienced practitioners solving complex societal problems firsthand. This practical exposure helps them develop critical thinking abilities essential for successful careers post-graduation.

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