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Creighton University Values and Mission Statement


  • Finding God in All Things
  • Cura Personalis ("Personal Care")
  • Magis ("More," "Greater Good")

Mission Statement

Creighton University is a Catholic and Jesuit comprehensive university committed to excellence in its selected undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs. Its mission emphasizes the pursuit of truth, the integration of knowledge and faith, the cultivation of leadership, and the promotion of justice..

Healthcare Issues Relevant to Creighton Interview

Given Creighton's focus on health sciences and medicine, it would be beneficial to prepare yourself for discussions around current trends and challenges in healthcare delivery, ethics, and policy. Some specific topics might include:

  • Access to healthcare services, particularly for underserved populations
  • Ethical dilemmas related to end-of-life care, organ transplantation, or genetic testing
  • Public health initiatives aimed at reducing chronic diseases or improving mental health
  • Innovations in medical technology and their impact on patient care
  • Global health concerns such as pandemics or infectious disease control

It may also be helpful to review any recent news articles or reports highlighting Creighton's contributions to healthcare advancements or partnerships with local communities.

Creighton University Values and Mission Statement

Core Values

Creighton University aligns its institutional identity around three key principles known as "Jesuit Charisms":

  • Finding God in All Things: Encapsulating Ignatian spirituality, it involves experiencing life tuned into God's activities in daily situations.
  • Cura Personalis: Meaning 'care for the person', referring to attention towards developing the whole person – intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.
  • Magis: Derived from the word ‘more’, signifying striving for excellence and making choices based on serving the greatest good.

These values guide Creighton's approach to academics, fostering a sense of responsibility to create positive societal impact.

Mission Statement

Creighton University aims to cultivate individuals equipped with wisdom, judgement, confidence, compassion, and faith to promote a more equitable global environment. Its mission emphasizes:

  • Academic Excellence: Committed to superior standards in chosen areas of study.
  • Catholic Identity: Driven by Catholic teachings and rooted in Christian beliefs.
  • Comprehensiveness: Offering multi-faceted education inclusive of multiple fields and dimensions of growth.
  • Promotion of Justice: Upholding fairness and equality while challenging unjust practices.

Relevant Health Issues for Interview

For prospective medical students preparing for an admissions interview at Creighton University, understanding current health topics would be beneficial. While specific questions may vary depending on the applicant pool and recent developments, some general areas might involve:

  • Climate Change Impact on Public Health

  • Effects on disease transmission patterns

  • Heat stress risks

  • Air pollution impacts

  • Health Equity and Accessibility

  • Socioeconomic disparities in healthcare access

  • Racial inequities in treatment outcomes

  • Geographic barriers to healthcare services

  • Pandemic Response Strategies

  • Lessons learned from COVID-19 management

  • Improving public health infrastructure

  • Enhancing preparedness for future pandemics

Stay informed about contemporary challenges facing medicine today; they often tie back to Creighton's emphasis on using knowledge ethically and responsibly to improve conditions globally.

Creighton University

Medical School Interview Information:

  • Official Application Process Page:
  • Interview Guide PDF:

Values & Mission Statement:

  • Mission Statement Source:

Related Healthcare Issues:

  • No direct source found within search criteria. Refer to relevant articles and publications discussing current trends in healthcare.

Region-Specific Healthcare Issues:

  • Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services:
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Region 7 (includes Nebraska):

Community Engagement:

  • Community Outreach Opportunities: Visit the Creighton University Service Learning Homepage:

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