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Healthcare interviews
made easy.

Say what you meant to say โ€” the first time. Practice interview questions, have expert reviewers give you the feedback you need, be supported in a practice group, and ace your next medical interview.

question prompt and feedback modal
Dedicated to our health care community
We are proudly Canadian ๐Ÿ

Healthcare interviews
made easy.

Say what you meant to say โ€” the first time. Practice interview questions, have expert reviewers give you the feedback you need, be supported in a practice group, and ace your next medical interview.

question prompt and feedback modal
Dedicated to our health care community
We are proudly Canadian ๐Ÿ

Listen. Answer. Repeat

Fine tune your interview skills to ensure you impress at your next MMI.

Save and record your answers

Get the hang of it on your own first without the pressure of your peers.
Understand how you tick before moving on to that next obstacle.

Get feedback from experienced reviewers

Our reviewers were interviewees or interviewers at the medical school you applied to. We give critical and honest feedback.

Simulate interview day with curated questions

Practise like it's game day. Real scenarios to make the real interview feel like just another videoath session.

Member success stories

Celebrating our successes together

"Thank you for what's been such an invaluable experience while preparing for interviews. I really can't thank you all enough. I appreciate the encouragement throughout the process ... enabling me to tailor my process in a way that really made sense to me. I'm very grateful for the valuable experience and and very it feel very indebted to the community."
1st year med at Queens
"Thank you so much to the Videoath team and med students (especially, Eric who was the mentor for our "intensive" group). Your feedback and encouraging words have made the gruelling interview prep so much easier to endure. Thank you for the work you do!"
1st year med at Queens
"I'm so glad I found Videoath and was able to connect with the community of other med school hopefuls across Canada. The practice sessions and feedback (especially from the facilitators, when they had time!) helped me improve immensely and I believe helped me succeed on my MMI. Huge thanks to all volunteers and staff!"
1st year med
"Thank you all very much for your help. I hope that someday I'll be in a position to help other students like you guys have for me."
1st year med at Western
"Thank you Eric for leading our practice group. Eric was amazing. The community was so nice - to be working with people who are just so supportive. And everyone genuinely just wanted each other to succeed and I think that was just really invigorating for me."
1st year med at McMaster


How does it work?

With just one-click to start, you can be practicing in an online-interview format. When you are ready for a constructive critique, our expert reviewers will review your submission to provide you with personalised feedback to ensure your best self shines.

Why Videoath?

We know deliberate practice yields results. So we built a platform to give you a competitive boost. Compounded with personalised feedback from expert reviewers, you will be set up for success in the best way possible. Take on your interview with confidence.
What does it mean ... "videoath"?
Videoath is our community pledge. Since the beginning of our journey as physicians and clinicians, we have upheld the Hippocratic Oath. We pledge to prepare students in reaching their potential as health care providers through deliberate practice.

When should I start practising?

Our ethos lies in repetitions to hone and master the skills required of a successful interview to become an excellent health care provider. Interview preparation is no different from MCAT practice, building a habit, or shooting free throws. Repetitions coupled with feedback leads to improvement.

But Iย don't feel ready.

We are here for you! You can have as many practice runs as you want. Give it a try now and let us know how you did.

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