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Big List of Podiatry MMI questions for 2024

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Your 5 year old nephew asks you, "Why is the sky blue?” How would you answer him using a series of simple scientific experiments?

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Some people think that the new or younger generation of physicians are not as hard-working (i.e., wanting to leave right at 5:00 p.m., not wanting to put in as long of a work week) as previous generations. How do you feel about this perception?

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A woman enters the emergency room with stomach pain. She undergoes a CT scan and is diagnosed with an abdominal aortic aneurysm. The physicians inform her that the only way to fix the problem is surgically, and that the chances of survival are about 50/50. They also inform her that time is of the essence, and that should the aneurysm burst, she would be dead in a few short minutes. The woman is an exotic dancer; she worries that the surgery will leave a scar that will negatively affect her work; therefore, she refuses any surgical treatment. Even after much pressuring from the physicians, she adamantly refuses surgery. Feeling that the woman is not in her correct state of mind and knowing that time is of the essence, the surgeons decide to perform the procedure without consent. They anaesthetize her and surgically repair the aneurysm. She survives, and sues the hospital for millions of dollars. Do you believe that the physician's actions can be justified in any way? Is it ever right to take away someone's autonomy?

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You and 3 friends are watching a 70 yr old man prepare a hot-air balloon. The balloon is ready and the man is holding one of the 5 released anchors ropes that are all 6m long. His 10 yr old grandson is already in the basket. A gust of wind raises the balloon 2m off the ground. The man shouts for help and you and your friends each grab close to the end of one of the other anchor ropes. The balloon raises so high that even though you are holding onto the ropes, you are lifted off the ground to a height of 7m. What would you do in this situation.

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Recently, a drug company has been aggressively marketing their HPV vaccine for young girls to protect young women from cervical cancer. The vaccine has gained support because it will be protecting girls from this potentially deadly and costly disease. However, some people think there haven‟t been enough clinical trials. Pick a stance on this issue and prepare to support your argument.

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You are part of a committee to decide where the money for health care in our province is spent. It is your turn to inform the committee of your opinion on what you think is the single most important area requiring funding.

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The daughter of the interviewer is 16 years old. She is adamant that she have a tattoo next week. The interviewer is against letting her daughter have a tattoo and this is causing much friction in the household. What advice would you give the interviewer?

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You tell a mother her two year old child has leukemia, but she refuses chemo but insists upon seeing her family physician who is a naturopath. What do you tell her, how do you handle this so that you may continue to have some influence as regards the treatment of her child? (The child‟s life is in the balance as the naturopath will be unable to save the child‟s life and you have an obligation to your patient, the child, who cannot make an informed decision. In paediatrics, its beneficence and “the rule of rescue” that takes precedence.)

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Next Steps for You

We concentrate on three key areas: structuring responses for clarity and impact, mastering delivery to communicate with confidence, and effectively tackling a diverse array of prompts to broaden your adaptability. Each step is a building block towards a more polished and poised you, ready to face any challenge with strategy and poise.


Interviewer Experience

10 mins

Immerse yourself in the interview process by observing two students navigate through questions. Gain insights as you watch a reviewer score and offer constructive feedback, providing a real-world glimpse into the dynamics of interviews. This experience is your window into understanding the intricacies of both questioning and responding, helping you anticipate and prepare for your own journey.


Early Diagnostic MMI

15 mins

Embark on the quickest route to align your interview skills with your goals through our Calibration Test. Designed like an MCAT diagnostic, this assessment measures your current readiness, helping pinpoint strengths and areas for growth. It's crucial to begin early, treating it as a real interview to yield genuine insights. Respond to typical medical school interview questions and receive a score compared against a vast database of global applicants. This percentile or decile score offers a clear perspective of where you stand. Post-assessment, dive into top-tier answers and feedback from previous years to understand what excellence looks like.

Mock Interview Sets

Take on full length tests. Unlock all 3 sets with the Comprehensive Kit.
MMI Set 1

New to interviews? No worries! Our beginner-friendly practice test is your first step toward mastering the real thing. Get a taste of interactive scenarios that help you build foundational skills in decision-making and communication. Consider this your warm-up lap—get started and discover what the interview is all about!

10 Video Response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
MMI Set 2

Familiar with MMIs and interviewing but looking to improve? Our intermediate-level practice set is designed to challenge you just the right amount. Dive deeper into scenarios that refine your existing skills and introduce you to more complex situations. It's your mid-level rehearsal for the big show—take it to the next level now!

10 Video Response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios
MMI Set 3

Already an interviewing pro? Our advanced practice set is your final dress rehearsal before the grand performance. Tackle intricate scenarios that demand your best decision-making and communication abilities. This is your chance to fine-tune your skills to perfection. Are you ready to steal the show? Take the advanced test today!

10 Video Response scenarios
8 Typed Response scenarios