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Dr. Cheung recommends homeopathic medicines to his patients. There is no scientific evidence or widely accepted theory to suggest that homeopathic medicines work, and Dr. Cheung doesn't believe them to. He recommends homeopathic medicine to people with mild and non-specific symptoms such as fatigue, headaches and muscle aches, because he believes that it will do no harm, but will give them reassurance. Consider the ethical problems that Dr. Cheung's behaviour might pose. Discuss these issues with the interviewer.
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I believe Dr. Cheung's behavior is ethically questionable because, while he may believe that homeopathic medicines will do no harm, there is still no scientific evidence that suggests they will provide any benefit. Further, by encouraging the use of homeopathic medicines, Dr. Cheung may be providing false reassurance to his patients and leading them to forgo more effective treatments for their ailments. Additionally, this practice could be seen as deceptive and misleading, as Dr. Cheung is straying from accepted scientific norms.

Dr. Cheung should consider the ethical implications of his actions and be honest and transparent with his patients. He must openly discuss the lack of evidence for homeopathic treatments and explain their potential harm. Doing so will maintain the trust and respect of his patients, while still providing them with compassion. Furthermore, Dr. Cheung should focus on conventional medical treatments, recommending homeopathic medicines only when they are a patient's last resort option.

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Your mother calls you and asks you to help with a major family decision. Your maternal grandfather is 70 years old and has been diagnosed with a condition that will kill him some time in the next five years. He can have a procedure that will correct the disease and not leave him with any long-term problems, but the procedure has a 10% mortality rate. He wants to have the procedure, but your mother does not want him to. How would you help mediate this issue?
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If I was mediating this issue, I think the first step would be to assess both perspectives. I would listen to my mother's concerns and make sure that I understand why she feels the way she does and also why my grandfather is coming to the conclusion that he wants to have the procedure. It's important to take both perspectives into consideration, even if we disagree. Once I understand each party and their needs, I would then focus on trying to reach an agreement that everyone can live with. This could range from further exploring other options that the grandfather may not have thought of, to understanding what the family's collective values are, and then making a decision based on them. Ultimately, I think it has to be a decision my grandfather is comfortable with, and I would try to support the whole family in making an informed decision.

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You and 3 friends are watching a 70 yr old man prepare a hot-air balloon. The balloon is ready and the man is holding one of the 5 released anchors ropes that are all 6m long. His 10 yr old grandson is already in the basket. A gust of wind raises the balloon 2m off the ground. The man shouts for help and you and your friends each grab close to the end of one of the other anchor ropes. The balloon raises so high that even though you are holding onto the ropes, you are lifted off the ground to a height of 7m. What would you do in this situation.
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In this situation, my first priority would be to take into account the safety of the man, his grandson, and the three of us holding onto the ropes. I would call for help from those on the ground who have the capacity to provide assistance in maneuvering the balloon safely. I would suggest that those on the ground use methods such as tying off the four ropes to a large, sturdy object in order to lower the balloon and ensure safe descent. Depending on the availability of assistance and materials, I might also suggest adding additional weight to the balloon in order to bring it back safely to the ground, if possible. In any case, my primary goal would be to get the man and his grandson safely down and to guarantee their safety and well-being.

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A physician became sexually involved with a current patient who initiated or consented to the contact. Is it ethical for a physician to become sexually involved?
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As a doctor, it is never ethical for a physician to become sexually involved with a current patient. This is due to the power differential that is present in a doctor-patient relationship, which inherently means that it is impossible to guarantee consensual and equal contact between the two parties. Physicians must always maintain professional relationships with their patients, which is why engaging in any form of sexual contact is strictly prohibited.

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A high school student has to choose between two colleges. The student had several friends who were similar to himself in values and abilities at each school. All of his friends at school A liked it on both educational and social grounds; all of them at school B had deep reservations on both grounds. The student visited both schools for a day and his impressions were the reverse; he enjoyed school B, but had reservations about school A. Dr. James Wanstedt provided a testimonial that school B provides a superior education. Furthermore, the registrar at school B has just released a report claiming that the employment rate for graduates of school B is 93%, 10 percent higher than it was 10 years ago. Finally, an unbiased consumer advocate reports that 98% of the alumni association have indicated that they were happy or very happy with the education they received at school B. Which school should the student choose? Discuss the student's decision with the examiner.
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I believe that the student should ultimately choose the school that best fits their needs. School B seems to have a lot of evidence in favor of it, with the Dr. Wanstedt testimonial and the recent report from the registrar. Additionally, the 98% satisfaction rate from the alumni association is also a big plus. However, the student should also weigh their personal impressions from the daylong visit. If he enjoyed school B more, but was still unsure of its educational and social merits, then he should make sure to look into the school since his friends, who have similar values and abilities, all seem to be happy there. Ultimately, the student should choose the school that best fits his needs and values after gathering as much information as possible.

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Statistics have shown that effects of advanced age such as changes in vision and response time may adversely affect elderly drivers' ability to drive safely. As a matter of fact, many doctors discuss the issue of stopping driving with their older patients as a precaution for the safety of theirs as well as the public's. Do you think older drivers have to give up driving when they reach a certain age?
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I believe there needs to be an individual assessment of each patient's situation. It's important to take into account their physical, cognitive and emotional capabilities. In some cases, there may be mobility issues or physical ailments such as poor eyesight or hearing loss that may put them at risk when driving. In those cases, it could be beneficial to have a conversation with the patient to discuss alternatives to driving or transportation that can help minimize risks. Generally, encouraging regular eye exams, following physical activity and healthy diet guidelines, and having regular check-ins with the doctor to discuss any issues can be beneficial. Ultimately, the safety of the elderly drivers and the public is the most important factor, and older drivers should evaluate their abilities accordingly.

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A member of your family decides to depend solely on alternative medicine for treatment of his or her significant illness. What would you do?
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First of all, I’d try to understand the motivations behind my family member’s decision and ask for more information about the therapeutic approach they are considering and the available evidence for it. Depending on the context, I may be open to further exploring and discussing the alternative approach. However, I would ultimately advise my family member on the best route of treatment based on the most recent and reliable evidence-based research I’ve learned so far in medical school. I would encourage them to consult experts with knowledge and experience in traditional medical treatments. Ultimately, I would encourage my family member to pursue a combination of traditional and alternative treatments, if appropriate, in order to help ensure the best chance of relieving their symptoms and achieving the best health outcome.

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A 40-year old schizophrenic patient needs hernia repair. Surgeon discussed the procedure with the patient who understood the procedure. Can the patient give consent?
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As a doctor, it is important to consider the patient's mental competence when deciding if they can give consent for a procedure. In this case, the patient has schizophrenia and is 40-years-old. In order to determine their mental competency, a thorough evaluation would need to be completed. This evaluation process should assess the patient's understanding of the procedure and risks in addition to their decision-making ability. If the patient is deemed to be mentally competent, they can provide informed consent and proceed with the operation. It is important to ensure that the patient gives consent voluntarily, as coercion and undue influence could affect the validity of the consent.

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Your best friend tells you he is a compulsive gambler. He has lost all his money and he asks you for a loan in order to buy food, to pay back his loan sharks and then use the rest to try to win it all back. Discuss the broad implications of gambling on society.
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Gambling can have significant implications for society as a whole because it can lead to a range of economic issues. It is possible for excessive gambling to lead to large losses of money, bankruptcy and even homelessness. Depending on the scale of the problem, gambling can have an impact on entire communities when people are unable to make rent payments or purchase food and other necessary items, or when money for large development projects is lost. On a personal level, gambling can cause a range of emotional and psychological issues. People who gamble excessively often damage relationships and lose their ability to resist cravings, leading to a cycle of addictive behavior.

Unfortunately, I cannot provide you with a loan. Lending you money would not be a responsible action because it enables your behavior and keeps you in the cycle of gambling. If I could go back in time, I would have encouraged you to explore ways to take more control of your life. What I can do is provide you with emotional support and guidance. This can include helping you find resources in your community that better address your needs and overall psychological well-being, such as counseling and addiction centers. There are also financial services and advice centers that can provide you with helpful information and support.

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If the Prime Minister of Canada were to ask your advice on one change that could be applied to the healthcare system in Canada that would improve it enormously and have the greatest positive effect, what would it be?
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If the Prime Minister of Canada were to ask my advice on one change that could be applied to the healthcare system in Canada that would improve it enormously and have the greatest positive effect, I would suggest incorporating more primary care physicians into the system as soon as possible. Having more primary care physicians available for Canadians would increase access to preventative care, which is critical for improving overall health outcomes in Canada. Furthermore, it would help reduce healthcare costs for Canadians by allowing for early identification and treatment of illnesses, which would lead to more patients receiving effective care earlier. Additionally, primary care physicians would be able to provide comprehensive and comprehensive advice to their patients, ensuring that they are better informed to make the best decisions for their health.

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A physician went to vacation for 2 weeks. He did not find another physician to cover him. One of his patients with hypertension developed severe headache. The patient has an appointment with the doctor as soon as he comes back from vacation. The patient did not look for another physician and decided to wait. The patient suddenly collapses and was diagnosed to have intracranial hemorrhage. Is the physician responsible for this patient?
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No, I do not believe the physician in this case is responsible for the patient's intracranial hemorrhage. The patient could have sought medical care from another physician while the doctor was on vacation, but chose not to do so. It would be unfair to blame the doctor who was away on vacation. The patient was ultimately responsible for his own health, and should have taken the necessary precautions if he wanted to ensure his safety when the doctor was not available.

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You are a GP working in a community where the majority of patients have very little education and many are refugees from other nations. What challenges do you foresee?
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As a GP working in a community where the majority of patients have very little education and many are refugees from other nations, I anticipate several challenges. One of the main issues is a lack of trust between patients and their healthcare providers. Refugees may distrust healthcare professionals due to cultural differences and lack of familiarity with the medical system in their new home. Additionally, individuals with little education may be confused by complex medical terminology and struggle to comprehend explanations and instructions. To adequately address these challenges, I believe it is important to approach every patient with compassion resulting in a trusting relationship and to use clear and concise explanations.

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How would you advise patients who are interested in visiting an acupuncturist or a chiropractor?
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I believe that both acupuncture and chiropractic care can offer patients some great benefits. However, they are not typically offered as medical treatments in the traditional sense, so I advise my patients to first consult with their physician before engaging in either practice. It's always important to make sure that any visit to an acupuncturist or chiropractor is safe and that no conditions exist that may be made worse by the treatment. Additionally, make sure that the practitioner is qualified and experienced in providing those services. Lastly, I would advise patients to discuss their condition with the practitioner and consider their advice before deciding what practice is best for them.

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John X is a convicted pedophile and repeat offender. He is about to be released from prison after serving 7 years of his 10-year sentence. He will be in close contact with his parole officer and he will be monitored on a daily basis. Should the community be aware of John X's history? You are in charge of deciding whether or not to warn the community about John X. What issues/factors would you consider in making your decision?
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As a doctor, my primary concern in this situation is ensuring the safety of the community. Therefore, all decisions made will be based on protecting the community from potential harm or threat. In deciding whether or not to warn the community about John X’s history, I would consider several issues and factors. Firstly, I would evaluate the risk John X poses to the public. I would understand the nature and gravity of his past offenses, the length of his sentence and whether or not he underwent rehabilitation while in prison. I would assess the likelihood of a repeat offense and whether or not the community should be counseled on potential safety measures. Additionally, I would consider the potential implications of informing the community in regards to John X’s privacy and protecting the reputation of the community. All of these considerations would be taken into account when making my decision about whether or not to warn the community about John X’s history.

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A Vancouver bio-tech company was hired by the US Military to develop a cure for Ebola. They successfully developed a vaccine to treat the symptoms of the virus and lowered the mortality rate for infected patients. Discuss the implications of this on a global scale.
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The development of a vaccine to treat the symptoms of Ebola by a Vancouver biotechnological company is an incredibly positive development for global healthcare. By successfully developing this vaccine, the mortality rate of infected patients has been lowered, providing a critical wave of relief to those countries disproportionately affected by this insidious virus.

In terms of the implications of this on a global scale, most importantly, this successful vaccine could lead to more widespread distribution of the treatment, enabling more patients to access this life-saving medicine. It could also act as a catalyst for further research and collaboration on other deadly diseases, driving technological advances and enabling governments to pool resources to tackle these global health issues. Finally, by increasing access to an effective treatment, countries may be more willing to take in and manage populations of people who are at-risk for Ebola, as well as other communicable diseases.

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In your opinion, what is a primary flaw in the health care system? How would you address it?
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In my opinion, one primary flaw in the health care system is a lack of understanding about health disparities, particularly for underserved populations. To address this flaw, I believe a comprehensive approach is needed. This should include educational programs aimed at healthcare providers to increase their knowledge of care disparities between different populations, focusing not only on disadvantaged populations, but also on ethnic, racial, and fiscal differences. Furthermore, meaningful collaborations between different healthcare stakeholders, including patients and representatives from the underserved population, governments, and healthcare providers should be pursued. These collaborations should ensure resources are available to serving the specific needs of underserved populations and ensure access to healthcare is equitable. Finally, research must be conducted to understand and uncover the root causes of health disparities, which should in turn be used to inform policy and practice in order to address and reduce health disparities.

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Mrs. Jones has signed a donor card indicating that she is willing to donate her body to science without notifying her husband and son. She gets into an accident and it is determined that she is brain dead. The family doctor, who is on call that afternoon, reviews the chart and determines that she would be perfect for medical students to practice the removal of organs for transplantation purposes. The doctor then talks to the family to discuss the procedure and to confirm their consent. They both oppose the procedure and refuse to allow their doctor to move forward. The doctor points out that Mrs. Jones could be helping hundreds of people by educating the medical students and that technically consent has already been provided. The husband understands how beneficial the educational experience is but is too emotional to allow them to continue. The son, a medical student, refuses because he knows the bodies are not treated with dignity. If you were the doctor, how would you proceed? Why?
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If I were the doctor, I would proceed by asking the family to take a few days to fully consider their decision. I would explain to them that it may be hard to make their decision immediately, but remind them of how Mrs. Jones had taken the time to think out her own decision ahead of time and sign a donor card. I would also explain to them what a tremendous gift donating their loved one could be for so many people.

At this point, it would be important for me to maintain an understanding, professional attitude throughout this conversation. Having empathy towards the family's emotions and doing my best to provide support and understanding is essential. I would keep open lines of communication, and allow them to talk through their feelings as much as they need.

Once they have had some time to process, I would then speak with them again and provide additional information, if necessary. If their decision is still to deny this donation, I would confirm that the last wishes of their loved one to donate their body to science should be honored, and that I will be respectful of their wishes.

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You are a health researcher at an academic institution. You have been asked to work on a top-secret vaccine that would treat biomedical weapons or other communicable diseases. Before your break through, you are instructed by the government to stop all research and turn over all materials and copies of your work to be destroyed. You know you are very close to finding a cure. What do you do?
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As a health researcher and doctor, my moral obligation is to the well-being and safety of all. In this case, I would prioritize following the instructions of the government, as I assume that whatever direction they are giving is for the greater good and likely for the betterment of society. Of course, I would be disappointed by the halt of any work to find a cure and would hope to be able to complete the project in the future. At the same time, with any directive from the government, their instructions must be followed. I would take the necessary steps to turn over all materials and copies of my work, as well as insure that nothing is left behind that could be used for a different purpose.

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A physician picked up a car accident victim from the street and brought him to the ER in his car. He did not want to wait for an ambulance because the patient‟s condition was critical. Physical examination in the ER reveals quadriplegia. Is the physician liable for this consequence?
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The accountability for the uncertain outcome of medical care, such as the one described in this case, is a difficult challenge to answer. The medical reality is that medical practice is inherently unpredictable and outcomes can never be guaranteed. In this case, the physician is likely not liable since they acted out of the necessity to save the patient's life and acted with the patient's best interests in mind. Additionally, in these emergency situations, the physician is often not presented with a safer option than using their own vehicle and taking action as rapidly as possible. The physician acted in the best interest of the patient by placing their wellbeing above all else and is therefore, not considered liable for the patient's outcome.

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You are treasurer of a university Club controlling club money and you are one of 3 members of the Executive. There is going to be a Meeting in another city with similar clubs from other universities. The club has enough money to cover the costs of only 3 members. There are 8 club members and everybody wants to go and for the club to pay their expenses. What do you do?
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As treasurer of the university club, it is my responsibility to ensure that the funds of the club are being best managed. In this scenario, while I understand that all 8 members would like to go to the meeting, there is not enough money in the budget to cover all of their costs. As a result, I suggest that three members be selected to attend the meeting, with their expenses being covered by the club. In order to decide which three members should receive the club’s financial support, I recommend that a vote be held amongst the members or, alternatively, that a selection process is established to decide who should attend. In either case, I would ensure that the decisions are based on merit, such as the individual's level of experience and interest in the club and its activities.

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Should there be legislation stating that a physician must report a gunshot wound of their patients to police? Discuss.
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I believe that a physician should report gunshot wounds of their patients to the police. Given the potential risks of having a patient with an untreated gunshot wound, it is essential to ensure that any patient with this type of injury is properly cared for . Further, reporting such injuries allows for a stabler community, preventing potential issues with gun-related violence. This is especially important when there is a potential risk of a patient presenting a risk to himself or to others. Additionally, I believe that by reporting gunshot wounds to the police, it gives an opportunity for the police to investigate any possible criminal activity and when applicable, apprehend the perpetrator.

Legislation requiring that physicians report gunshot wounds would help ensure that all gunshot wound patients were appropriately treated. It would also help ensure that a proper investigation is conducted into any criminal activity related to the incident. Whenever possible, I believe that efforts should be taken to protect both the patient and the community as a whole.

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You are a genetic counsellor. One of your clients, Linda, had a boy with a genetic defect that may have a high recurrence risk, meaning her subsequent pregnancies has a high chance of being affected by the same defect. You offered genetic testing of Linda, her husband, and their son to find out more about their disease, to which everyone agreed. The result showed that neither Linda nor her husband carry the mutation, while the boy inherited the mutation on a paternal chromosome that did not come from Linda's husband. In other words, the boy's biological father is someone else, who is unaware that he carries the mutation. You suspect that Linda nor her husband are aware of this non-paternity. How would you disclose the results of this genetic analysis to Linda and her family? What principles and who do you have to take into consideration in this case?
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In a situation like this, I believe that empathy and sensitivity are the most important guiding principles. In the counselling session, I would start by affirming the emotions Linda and her family are feeling and expressing understanding of the difficult news. I would explain to them the results of the genetic analysis in a fact-based, non-judgmental way and acknowledge that education, support and counseling may be necessary for this process.

I would also make sure that I present the facts to Linda and her family in a nuanced way, as to respect the privacy of both sides. In such a delicate situation, it is important to make Linda and her family feel like their feelings and worries are valid, while also giving a responsible and educational conversation on the subject.

Throughout the conversation, I would take into consideration the possibility of psychosocial and psychological distress among those involved, which is often brought on by ethical implications like this one. I would also tell Linda and her family that resources can be available if they choose to take them (e.g. counselling).

In the end, regardless of what they choose to do, they need to all be comfortable with the decision they make.

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Universities are commonly faced with the complicated task of balancing the educational needs of their students and the cost required to provide learning resources to a large number of individuals. As a result of this tension, there has been much debate regarding the optimal size of classes. One side argues that smaller classes provide a more educationally effective setting for students, while others argue that t makes no difference, so larger classes should be used to minimize the number of instructors required. Discuss your opinion with the examiner.
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I believe that while larger classes may minimize the number of instructors required, it should not be the guiding factor when determining the optimal size of classes. Ultimately, smaller classes provide a more educationally effective setting for students, in my opinion. Not only can students learn more effectively due to more individualized instruction, but they are also more likely to stay engaged in the learning process. Larger classes can often be impersonal and resulting in a lack of student engagement. Furthermore, with smaller classes, instructors have an opportunity to assess any learning gaps and intervene quickly as needed. All these benefits become much harder to achieve in larger classes. Thus my opinion is that smaller classes are the optimal size for universities to strive for.

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You are a current undergraduate student. During the week of graduation, you attend a number of parties around the Lower Mainland with your best friend, Kelly. The last party is held at a camp ground in Squamish. The morning after the party, you receive a call from Kelly. She asks that you come over and talk. Kelly reveals that she left early and drove home despite drinking that night. Enter the room and talk to Kelly.
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Hi Kelly. It's so nice to see you. What about graduation was so upsetting for you?

It's clear to me that something has been troubling you. I'm here to listen and talk if you want to share. Nothing you say will leave this room.

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Imagine your friend‟s father is 70 years old and has lived in Edmonton his whole life. He is taken to the emergency department at the University of Alberta Hospital. He has had good health until now and this is the first time he has been to hospital of any kind since he was 20 years old. What changes in the healthcare system and environment in the hospital do you think he would notice?
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I think he would notice a few major changes. First, the overall environment of the hospital has changed a lot in the past 50 years. He would see much more cutting-edge technology, such as modern medical equipment and diagnostic tools, that have helped improve patient care. He may also see a more automated hospital, where nurses and doctors are able to access patient records electronically and more quickly.

Second, he would notice an increased focus on patient comfort and satisfaction. Hospitals nowadays have more emphasis on patient-centered care, meaning the hospital staff would be focused on the patient’s wellbeing and the experience they have in the facility. He may also encounter a more diverse team of medical professionals, with different backgrounds and experiences that work together to ensure a quality healthcare experience.

Finally, he would notice a change in the overall structure of the healthcare system. New regulations and laws on insurance and patient privacy would be in place that were not present during his previous visit. In addition, it’s likely that cost of care and accessibility to care have both improved since then.

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A 18-year old man is diagnosed to have suspected bacterial meningitis. He refuses therapy and returns to the college dormitory. What should a physician do in this situation?
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If a patient is diagnosed with suspected bacterial meningitis and refuses therapy, it is important to follow-up with the patient and ensure proper safety measures are taken. First, the physician should ensure the patient is aware of the severity of their condition and potential consequences if they do not seek proper medical attention. It is also essential to inform the patient of the risk they pose to those around them, should they choose not to receive treatment.

In addition to continuing to explain the dangers of their condition, it is important to research the patient's options regarding proper care and treatment, including any financial aid or support groups that would provide meaningful assistance. Lastly, the physician should ensure that there is a strong support system in place at the patient's college dorm. This would include the availability of resources such as counselors, mental health professionals, and other home remedies if possible. Through continued conversations with the patient, the physician should work to ensure that the patient receives the care they need and that their safety is prioritized at all times.

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What is your opinion about stem cell research using fetal tissue?
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Stem cell research using fetal tissue has the potential to bring tremendous benefit to society. For example, it can be used to develop treatments for medical conditions such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and diabetes, and it can also help advance our understanding of diseases like Down syndrome, muscular dystrophy, and birth defects. That said, it is important to ensure that the tissues used are obtained in an ethical manner, so as to avoid any harm to the donor or respect the life of the fetus. I strongly believe that the potential benefits of stem cell research outweigh any ethical concerns, if those concerns are properly addressed.

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Your best friend is an identical twin. The other twin has been sick with a variety of illnesses most of their lives. Several times, the other twin has been so ill that your best friend has supplied tissue (e.g., blood, bone marrow) sometimes to help their sibling stay alive. The other twin now needs a kidney transplant to stay alive. Their parents have assumed that your best friend will automatically donate the kidney as usual when tissue has been needed. However, your friend is now balking at this automatic assumption of donation and is considering saying „no‟. What would you say to your friend to convince him to donate the kidney?
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I understand how difficult it must be for your friend to make this decision. I would tell him that, by donating his kidney, he would be giving his sibling a chance to have a better, healthier life. If he is concerned about his own wellbeing and potential complications from the surgery, I would stress that the risks associated with donating a kidney are very low. As well, there are medical professionals who are highly trained and experienced in performing this type of operation in a safe manner.

I would also suggest that if your friend ultimately decides to donate, talking to a therapist or other professional that is knowledgeable in dealing with issues regarding organ donation might be beneficial. They could help your friend to process his/her feelings and explain what to expect throughout the entire process of the surgery and recovery.

Ultimately, this is a very personal decision, and I would tell your friend to listen to his/her heart and make a decision that he/she can feel good about.

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You are a first year medical student who is doing above average in some subjects, and below average on others. What would you do in this situation? What resources would you access?
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As a first-year medical student, it is not uncommon to struggle with some classes or topics more than others. In my experience, the best way to overcome any perceived weaknesses is to use additional resources and to think critically. Firstly, I would identify any areas that I am struggling with, reach out to my peers, professors, or tutors to access extra support and guidance, and actively look for additional resources to supplement my studies. These could range from online courses and tutorials, to review books and flashcards. Additionally, I would make sure to get plenty of rest and attend any extra classes or review sessions that are available. Finally, I believe it is important to prioritize and manage your time well to ensure you are able to stay ahead of the curriculum demands – this may involve reallocating study time towards the areas where more improvement is needed. By proactively using any resources at your disposal, I am confident the necessary improvement can be achieved.

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The man who lives next door to you often rides his bicycle in the company of his two young children but without a helmet. In fact, on several occasions you have seen him riding with his helmet hanging by its straps from the handlebars. His young children sometimes wear a helmet, sometimes not. If the man fell off his bicycle and hurt his head in a way that would have been prevented if he had worn a helmet, would it be reasonable to ask him to contribute towards the treatment cost for his injury?
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I would not recommend asking the man to contribute towards the treatment cost for his injury if he had fallen off the bicycle and hurt his head. It's important to remember that no matter what he may or may not be doing, this man and his children are still our neighbors and should be treated with respect and compassion. In addition, if I were to ask him to contribute to the treatment cost for his injury and he were unable to pay for it, it could create a heavy financial burden for him and potential resentment towards me if I forced him to pay. As a physician, I believe it is my duty to advocate for the health and well-being of my patients, and I believe that the best approach for this issue would be to suggest to the man the importance of protecting himself and his children with helmets while riding their bicycles.

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In recent years, there has been an increase in popularity of full contact sports, such as Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and boxing. Should doctors have a role in regulating such sports?
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Doctors should certainly have a role in regulating full contact sports such as UFC and boxing. As the healthcare professionals on the front lines of keeping athletes safe, doctors are well positioned to help guide regulations regarding such sports. We can help set standards for safety equipment, monitor and effectively treat concussions and other injuries sustained during fights, and provide medical advice on how to maintain the health of fighters. By working alongside sports governing bodies, doctors can help to keep athletes safe and promote the responsible practice of full contact sports.

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There is an outbreak of an incredibly contagious life-threatening disease. The disease is spreading across the country at a rapid rate and the survival rate is less than 50%. You are a senior health care administrator, and when the vaccine is developed, you have priority to receive the drug. Do you take the vaccine yourself or give it to another person? Why or why not?
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If I were the senior health care administrator with priority access to the vaccine, I would take the vaccine myself. As a medical doctor, my first priority is to protect my own well-being and be in a position to continue offering medical services and helping to care for others. Given the devastating nature of the disease and the fact that the survival rate is less than 50%, if I were to contract this disease, I would not be able to continue providing medical services for other people. Therefore, I would take the vaccine for my own protection and be better able to continue helping others.

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You are part of a committee to decide where the money for health care in our province is spent. It is your turn to inform the committee of your opinion on what you think is the single most important area requiring funding.
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I believe the single most important area for healthcare funding in our province is mental health. We need to invest in mental health services, from supporting community-based mental health programs to expanding access to specialist care. We should put a priority on developing the infrastructure needed to support care for mental health in our region, including providing access to both emergency services and mental health professionals for follow-up care. Investing in mental health services can have wide-reaching impacts on our society, from reducing the impact of mental health issues on individuals and families to reducing healthcare costs. In addition, such investment would demonstrate a commitment to providing our citizens with the care they need to lead healthy and productive lives.

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You are a 3rd year medical student doing hospital rotations. A fellow medical student who is doing rounds with you often show up to these sessions tired, messy, hung over, or even drunk. One day you found him in the lunch room unaccompanied, so you decided to talk to him. Please enter the lunch room.
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As I entered the lunch room I saw my fellow medical student sitting at a table. I walked up to him and said, “Hi, I noticed you were alone. Is everything alright?” I could see from his red eyes and disheveled clothes that something was wrong.

He shook his head, looked away and replied, “No, it’s been a tough few weeks.”

I sat down next to him, looking around at the empty lunch room, and said, “I know you don’t want to talk about it, but I just wanted to let you know that I’m here to listen if you need somebody to talk to. I understand that things can get really tough when you’re on rounds and I just want you to know that I’m here for you.”

He was quiet for a minute but eventually looked at me with a hint of a smile and said, “Thank you. It means a lot.”

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Dr. Cheung recommends homeopathic medicines to his patients. There is no scientific evidence or widely accepted theory to suggest that homeopathic medicines work, and Dr. Cheung doesn't believe them to. He recommends homeopathic medicine to people with mild and non-specific symptoms such as fatigue, headaches and muscle aches, because he believes that it will do no harm, but will give them reassurance. Consider the ethical problems that Dr. Cheung's behaviour might pose. Discuss these issues with the interviewer.
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I believe Dr. Cheung's behavior is ethically questionable because, while he may believe that homeopathic medicines will do no harm, there is still no scientific evidence that suggests they will provide any benefit. Further, by encouraging the use of homeopathic medicines, Dr. Cheung may be providing false reassurance to his patients and leading them to forgo more effective treatments for their ailments. Additionally, this practice could be seen as deceptive and misleading, as Dr. Cheung is straying from accepted scientific norms.

Dr. Cheung should consider the ethical implications of his actions and be honest and transparent with his patients. He must openly discuss the lack of evidence for homeopathic treatments and explain their potential harm. Doing so will maintain the trust and respect of his patients, while still providing them with compassion. Furthermore, Dr. Cheung should focus on conventional medical treatments, recommending homeopathic medicines only when they are a patient's last resort option.

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When is it appropriate to participate in assisted suicide of a patient? Why or why not?
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I am of the opinion that assisted suicide, in any form or capacity, should only be considered a last resort as a way to respect the patient's right to die with dignity. A physician should never take lightly the decision to allow a patient to die and should strive to offer other forms of medical intervention or pain management. It is never appropriate to suggest assisted suicide until all other medical options have been exhausted, or the prognosis has been determined by medical professionals to be dire and not curable. Even in such cases, the consent of the patient or the patient's family is required before any form of assisted suicide is even contemplated. The right to die with dignity is an agreement between a doctor and the patient, and it should only be seen as a last resort.

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You are working in a clinic for street youth. A 16 year old girl comes in seeking sleeping pills that you do not think is appropriate for her. She says she will see another doctor if you do not prescribe them. What would you do?
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If the 16 year old is exhibiting signs of depression, suicidal ideation, or other mental health issues then I would first suggest engaging her in a dialogue to better assess her mental state. I would explain to her the importance of discussing with a mental health professional whatever may be causing her insomnia instead of using sleeping pills to cope. I would also emphasize that I am not able to better help her if she withholds important information and advise her to see a mental health professional that can better understand her condition and be able to provide more focused and personalized care. If the patient remains insistent on seeking sleeping pills, then I would refer her to another doctor who might be more willing to prescribe them. Under no circumstances would I prescribe sleeping pills to this patient and risk her safety for my own convenience.

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The daughter of the interviewer is 16 years old. She is adamant that she have a tattoo next week. The interviewer is against letting her daughter have a tattoo and this is causing much friction in the household. What advice would you give the interviewer?
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I would start by advocating for open communication. It's important that the daughter and her parents talk about the implications of getting a tattoo before making a decision. This is especially important at 16-years-old, as tattoos may permanently mark her body. The implications of having a tattoo at a young age need to be discussed before the daughter makes a decision.

It's also important to understand why the daughter is interested in getting a tattoo. Does she feel like it expresses her identity? Does she want to feel more grown-up? It's important to explore any motivations that the daughter has for getting a tattoo.

In addition, it's important to recognize the legal implications. In Canada, minors (persons under the age of 18) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to get a tattoo. The daughter's parents should think about what message they are sending by accompanying her to get a tattoo and consider if it is okay for them to consent for their daughter to get a tattoo.

Ultimately, it is the daughter's choice. She may make a decision to get a tattoo, and parents need to accept that she is ready to make that choice. However, it is important for her to fully understand the implications and make an informed decision.

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Tasers are under greater public scrutiny. What are the medical, public health, public policy, legal and practical issues involved? What is your position as regards the use of tasers by public officials and in the private sector?
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As a medical doctor, I believe it is important to review all aspects of the issue when it comes to the use of tasers by public officials and in the private sector. Medical wise, the use of tasers can have medical repercussions, including physical trauma and the possibility of cardiac arrest. From a public health standpoint, the magnitude of harm tasers may pose to our population must be thoroughly considered. From a policy perspective, it is essential to determine what conditions and scenarios warrant the proper usage of tasers. Legally, proper laws need to be established that make sure the rights of those using tasers are honored and respected. Finally, the practical side of the issue must be taken into account to make sure that tasers are used only when absolutely necessary.

My position on the use of tasers by public officials and in the private sector is that we must make sure that those using tasers are properly trained, and that the laws established are followed and enforced to ensure the safety of all individuals involved. Moreover, tasers should only be used in extreme circumstances in which it is necessary to de-escalate a situation.

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You and your best friend try out for the varsity track team. You just find out you got in, but your friend was rejected for the 3rd time. Enter the room.
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I was so excited when I got the news that I had made the varsity track team. Unfortunately, seeing the disappointment on my best friend's face when they found out that they had been rejected for the 3rd time was heartbreaking. Knowing that I was the one to make it when they hadn't made it for the third time really stirred up thoughts of guilt. I wanted to be supportive of my friend, so I immediately hugged them and told them that it was going to be okay. I told them to keep their head up and that I would be there for them no matter what. I could then see a trickle of hope in their eyes as we moved forward together, both of us having faced different outcomes.

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What do you see as being the biggest issues/problems in health care now and in the future. What do you think are possible solutions to these issues?
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One of the biggest issues in healthcare now and in the future is resource availability and allocation. With an aging population and the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, the demand for healthcare increases every year. This puts a great strain on the healthcare system, leading to issues such as long wait times, overcrowded facilities, and overburdened healthcare providers.

Substantial investments must be made in the healthcare system in order to address the resource issue. This can include investing in more efficient ways to deliver healthcare, such as telemedicine and expanded access to health information technologies. We must also consider expanding health care coverage, such as by increasing access to insurance, so that more people are able to receive the care they need.

Finally, we must prioritize preventative care. By investing in public health initiatives, such as campaigns encouraging healthy lifestyle habits and disease prevention programs, we can help curb the growth of preventable conditions, thus helping to alleviate the burden on the healthcare system. Taking a proactive approach to healthcare may be our most effective way of providing quality care to all Canadians.

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Discuss any topical health care issue that is unique to the Pacific Northwest region (or region for Med School you are applying to)?
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As a physician practicing in the Pacific Northwest, one of the most pertinent health care issues that we’re facing is the rise of opioid addiction. As the crisis spreads, many people are being put at risk and the numbers of deaths are on the rise every year. This has led to an increase in resources and efforts to combat the opioid epidemic. Some of these interventions include access to medications that can help with addiction, such as buprenorphine, as well as places where individuals can safely dispose of unused prescriptions in order to help prevent misuse. In addition, there is an ongoing dialogue to provide better access to mental health resources, as many people that are developing addiction habits are being driven to drug use out of desperation. All of these efforts are geared toward providing better and more comprehensive care, in order to help address this issue in our region.

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Many fire-related tragedies in Canada have been the result of children playing with fire. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of parents, lighter companies and society with respect to this issue.
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Parents have the primary responsibility to prevent children from playing with fire. Parents should ensure that any fires are supervised, that their home is equipped with smoke detectors and fire extinguishers, and that their child has a basic understanding of fire safety. Lighter companies should ensure that lighters are childproof, or at least not easily accessible to children. They should also ensure proper warnings and safety information on the packaging of their products. Lastly, society as a whole should engage in efforts to educate parents and communities about the risks of fires, to ensure that everyone is aware of the concerns and knows how to best protect themselves and their children.

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You are an emergency room physician at a local hospital. A patient comes in requesting painkillers for his back. Upon reviewing his file, you realize that he frequently comes to the hospital requesting painkillers and he has already capped his prescription for the month. Upon examination, you notice no new injuries to indicate an increase in painkillers. You politely tell patient that you will not increase his dosage or re-fill out another prescription for him. He tells you that he will go and inject himself with heroin right now if he does not get the painkillers. What do you say next? What do you do?
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I would explain to the patient that I understand his predicament, and encourage him to consider other pain management strategies rather than using drugs. I would reassure him that I am here to help him find the most effective and safe treatment plan, and that I am willing to work with him to find a better outcome. Additionally, I would ask him to consider seeking out other resources such as support groups, counseling, or therapy to help him better manage his pain and enable him to find more positive and sustainable methods of relieving his pain. Lastly, I would explain to him that I am here to help, and if he does not feel comfortable discussing the situation with me or getting help elsewhere, then I can provide additional information and help him reach out to the proper resources.

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A friend has accessed your laptop and discovered your draft for an essay that is due by you both who are taking the same course. How do you handle this?
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I would first sit down with my friend and explain the situation. I would be honest with him or her and explain how I feel. I would explain that my essay is important to me, and that I don't want any other issues coming up before the submission date. I would also encourage my friend to continue to pursue their own original ideas and ensure that we both put our best efforts into our own separate assignments. I would also suggest that it may be helpful to both of us if we talk to the professor to discuss our options. It is important to me that we both get the best grade possible, but also that we both respect each other's work and ideas.

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You are presented with a list of 15 individuals, including details of their age, sex and occupation. You are being told that a nuclear attack is imminent and you are only allowed to save 5 of them from destruction. Which ones and why?
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I know this is a difficult decision, and my heart goes out to everyone on the list who would not be saved. However, if I am only able to save 5 people, my decision would be based on age and occupation. The five people I would save would be the youngest on the list, as they have the most life ahead of them and their lives are most likely to be positively impacted by intervention. Since I am a medical doctor, the priority of my decision would be to save individuals who have the capacity to help others. So, the four other individuals I would save are those whose occupation is related to providing medical care, first responders, or other essential services. That way, if we are able to evacuate before the nuclear attack, there will be potentially more lives saved, as these professionals would be able to provide medical care and essential services in the aftermath.

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Recently, certain hospitals in the Vancouver Area have been charging patients $29/day for their hospital fee on top of the fees charged to MSP. What are the implications of this policy? Discuss both positive and negative impacts with the interviewer.
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The recent $29/day hospital fee policy has far-reaching implications for the hospitals in the Vancouver area. On the positive side, this fee may help encourage financial responsibility in patients. By paying for part of their care, financially literate patients can ensure that they are contributing to their medical care in a responsible way. Furthermore, these fees can help cover some of the costs associated with medical care, offsetting the burden on public healthcare funds.

On the other hand, the $29/day fee may have some negative implications. This fee could lead to some people delaying care, as they may not be able to afford this extra cost. Additionally, some people may struggle to pay the fee when coupled with other costs such as prescription medication. These fees could also have a disproportionate impact on those on low incomes, people with chronic conditions, and those who are uninsured.

To mitigate the financial impact, it is important to ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place to support those who cannot afford to pay. This could include flexible payment plans, discounts, and subsidies to ensure financial access. Banks and credit unions may also be able to provide financial assistance to cover these fees. Finally, an evaluation of the policy should be conducted to determine the efficacy of the fee and its impact on patients.

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A patient with Down's Syndrome became pregnant. The patient does not want an abortion. Her mother and husband want the patient to have an abortion. What should a physician do in this situation?
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As a physician, my primary responsibility is to the patient, and to ensure that the patient has access to medical care and advice that meets their individual wishes and values. In this case, the patient's wishes should be respected and the patient should be encouraged to make a decision about the pregnancy that meets her own wishes, instead of simply deferring to her mother or husband. I would recommend the patient be given access to counseling and additional medical advice about the repercussions of her decision, so that she can make an informed choice about how to move forward. Her mother and husband should be informed that ultimately their daughter/wife's decision is the one that will be respected.

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You witness two girls hitting a homeless woman and taking items that belong to her. The victim has only a bleeding nose. You approach her after the incident and she tells you she is fine, this has happened before by the same girls and it is no big deal. How do you deal with it?
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In this situation, I would take the victim to a safe place and offer her medical attention. Even though she says she is fine and this has happened before, I would explain to her that it is an important for her to seek medical attention in case there are any internal injuries that are not immediately visible.

I would also inform her that this assault is not a "no big deal" and it should not be tolerated. I would encourage her to report the incident to the police, and offer her emotional support and resources if she chose to do so. Furthermore, I would assure her that I will take any action necessary to protect her while ensuring her safety.

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You are a 1st year med student and you are in the room with a small group of students, a doctor and a young female patient. The doctor tells the patient to remove her shirt to do a breast exam. The patient is visibly uncomfortable but does what she is told. The physician then performs the exam and tells you to do it as well. Discuss your reaction to this situation.
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Thank you for the opportunity to discuss this situation. It is a difficult one in which all stakeholders must have their best interests and comfort considered. My reaction to a patient being uncomfortable while removing her shirt to do a breast exam is one of empathy and care. As a student, I would offer to talk to the patient and explain the procedure. I would offer her an opportunity to ask questions and to take comfort knowing that a doctor was present in the room. Additionally, I would explain the procedure in detail and offer her a gown or other form of covering prior to the exam starting.

As for the elderly woman in the emergency room with asthma, there are quite a few ethical issues at play. The first is the patient's autonomy in deciding whether or not to accept a student's care. Since the patient is unable to make a fully informed decision due to her health condition, the onus is on the physician and/or student to ensure that the elderly woman's wishes and beliefs are taken into consideration before making any decisions. Additionally, in this case, it is important to understand the woman's culture and religion, and to offer alternatives if treatment from a student is not acceptable. Safeguards should ensure that both the patient and the student are considered. For instance, a nurse or other healthcare provider could be present to ensure that the patient's wishes are respected and that the student is not in any danger. Additionally, it is important to consider clear communication between the physician and student, and to explicitly explain why certain decisions are being made.

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Without using your hands, explain how to tie shoe laces.
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Tying shoe laces without using your hands is a skill anyone can learn with a little bit of practice. The steps are as follows:

  1. Start with the shoe laces in each hand to create a cross shape.

  2. Place one foot inside the loop of laces.

  3. Holding onto one of the laces with your toes, rotate your foot so that the laces wrap around your ankle.

  4. Move either the right or left lace up and over the right foot, keeping tension on the laces.

  5. Pull the top of the lace upward so that they twist in the middle of the loop that is already around the ankle.

  6. Grab the remaining lace with the toes of your foot and pull the lace over the one that is already up toward the laces.

  7. Pull the laces tight and make sure that both loops are the same size.

And there you have it! You have securely tied your shoe laces without using your hands!

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You are treasurer of a university Club controlling club money and you are one of 3 members of the Executive. There is going to be a Meeting in another city with similar clubs from other universities. The club has enough money to cover the costs of only 3 members. There are 8 club members and everybody wants to go and for the club to pay their expenses. What do you do?
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You are working on a group project with 5 other students. One of the students doesn‟t show up for meetings or if they do show up - they are late and leave early. They have put no effort into the group project but show up on the day of the presentation and try to take credit for the project. What do you do in this situation?
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Recently, certain hospitals in the Vancouver Area have been charging patients $29/day for their hospital fee on top of the fees charged to MSP. What are the implications of this policy? Discuss both positive and negative impacts with the interviewer.
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Your friend Jason hasn't come to class for a few days. Being a hardworking premed student, he very seldom skips classes. You know that he is applying to medical school in the past several weeks. You called his house and he said you can visit him. You decided to pay him a visit after your classes. Enter the room and talk to Jason.
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Discuss health care issues that have been in the news in the last month.
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