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Dr. Cheung recommends homeopathic medicines to his patients. There is no scientific evidence or widely accepted theory to suggest that homeopathic medicines work, and Dr. Cheung doesn't believe them to. He recommends homeopathic medicine to people with mild and non-specific symptoms such as fatigue, headaches and muscle aches, because he believes that it will do no harm, but will give them reassurance. Consider the ethical problems that Dr. Cheung's behaviour might pose. Discuss these issues with the interviewer.
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I believe Dr. Cheung's behavior is ethically questionable because, while he may believe that homeopathic medicines will do no harm, there is still no scientific evidence that suggests they will provide any benefit. Further, by encouraging the use of homeopathic medicines, Dr. Cheung may be providing false reassurance to his patients and leading them to forgo more effective treatments for their ailments. Additionally, this practice could be seen as deceptive and misleading, as Dr. Cheung is straying from accepted scientific norms.

Dr. Cheung should consider the ethical implications of his actions and be honest and transparent with his patients. He must openly discuss the lack of evidence for homeopathic treatments and explain their potential harm. Doing so will maintain the trust and respect of his patients, while still providing them with compassion. Furthermore, Dr. Cheung should focus on conventional medical treatments, recommending homeopathic medicines only when they are a patient's last resort option.

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You are part of a committee to decide where the money for health care in our province is spent. It is your turn to inform the committee of your opinion on what you think is the single most important area requiring funding.
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I believe the single most important area for healthcare funding in our province is mental health. We need to invest in mental health services, from supporting community-based mental health programs to expanding access to specialist care. We should put a priority on developing the infrastructure needed to support care for mental health in our region, including providing access to both emergency services and mental health professionals for follow-up care. Investing in mental health services can have wide-reaching impacts on our society, from reducing the impact of mental health issues on individuals and families to reducing healthcare costs. In addition, such investment would demonstrate a commitment to providing our citizens with the care they need to lead healthy and productive lives.

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Your older sister tells you that she values her career and is reluctant to take time away to have a baby. Her husband agrees with her. They have arranged to conceive an embryo through in vitro fertilization. A company in India will implant the embryo in a surrogate mother from a nearby village who will be paid $5,000. Two weeks after the baby is born, the company will deliver the baby to your sister and her husband. Your mother is opposed to this arrangement whereas your father supports her decision. Your sister asks for your support. How would you respond to your sister?
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The ethical concerns here are complex and wide-reaching. The Canadian Pediatric Association's recommendation not to perform routine circumcisions highlights the concerns of unnecessary risk and cost associated with the procedure. Despite this, however, it is crucial that the autonomy of the patient is respected, and the medical professional must ensure that parents are adequately informed of the risks, benefits, and alternatives before deciding to perform or not perform a circumcision.

As a medical professional, it can be difficult to balance the need to offer interventions that have been proven to have a benefit with respecting the patient's autonomy and decision of whether to pursue that intervention. In the case of circumcision, it is my responsibility to educate parents on both the risks and benefits, and to ensure that a balanced analysis of the facts is used when deciding the best course of action. It is also important to continually evaluate and update evidence-based information on the benefits and risks of circumcision to ensure that the best possible decisions are made.

It would be important to discuss this issue with my colleagues, as well as with the patient, to ensure that any decision is made in the best interest of the patient. Moral and ethical considerations should guide medical decisions based on the available evidence and patient safety. Ultimately, it is critical that a doctor always puts the interests of the patient first and exercises their best medical judgement without bias.

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Mrs. Jones has signed a donor card indicating that she is willing to donate her body to science without notifying her husband and son. She gets into an accident and it is determined that she is brain dead. The family doctor, who is on call that afternoon, reviews the chart and determines that she would be perfect for medical students to practice the removal of organs for transplantation purposes. The doctor then talks to the family to discuss the procedure and to confirm their consent. They both oppose the procedure and refuse to allow their doctor to move forward. The doctor points out that Mrs. Jones could be helping hundreds of people by educating the medical students and that technically consent has already been provided. The husband understands how beneficial the educational experience is but is too emotional to allow them to continue. The son, a medical student, refuses because he knows the bodies are not treated with dignity. If you were the doctor, how would you proceed? Why?
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If I were the doctor, I would proceed by asking the family to take a few days to fully consider their decision. I would explain to them that it may be hard to make their decision immediately, but remind them of how Mrs. Jones had taken the time to think out her own decision ahead of time and sign a donor card. I would also explain to them what a tremendous gift donating their loved one could be for so many people.

At this point, it would be important for me to maintain an understanding, professional attitude throughout this conversation. Having empathy towards the family's emotions and doing my best to provide support and understanding is essential. I would keep open lines of communication, and allow them to talk through their feelings as much as they need.

Once they have had some time to process, I would then speak with them again and provide additional information, if necessary. If their decision is still to deny this donation, I would confirm that the last wishes of their loved one to donate their body to science should be honored, and that I will be respectful of their wishes.

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You are a health researcher at an academic institution. You have been asked to work on a top-secret vaccine that would treat biomedical weapons or other communicable diseases. Before your break through, you are instructed by the government to stop all research and turn over all materials and copies of your work to be destroyed. You know you are very close to finding a cure. What do you do?
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As a health researcher and doctor, my moral obligation is to the well-being and safety of all. In this case, I would prioritize following the instructions of the government, as I assume that whatever direction they are giving is for the greater good and likely for the betterment of society. Of course, I would be disappointed by the halt of any work to find a cure and would hope to be able to complete the project in the future. At the same time, with any directive from the government, their instructions must be followed. I would take the necessary steps to turn over all materials and copies of my work, as well as insure that nothing is left behind that could be used for a different purpose.

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A couple has decided to have a child through artificial insemination. They asked the physician for sex selection of the child. What should a physician advise in this situation?
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As a physician, I would advise the couple that sex selection of a child through artificial insemination is not ethical. There are potential risks associated with this type of artificial insemination, including an increased risk of chromosomal disorders and birth defects. Furthermore, artificial insemination does not guarantee success, so it also potentially raises the costs associated with giving birth. Lastly, sex selection could lead to gender inequality, as selection may be based on outdated gender stereotypes or cultural biases. For these reasons, I would advise against this type of artificial insemination.

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The story of Canadian Olympian and Paralympian Brian McKeever has touched many during the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver. He was the first ever to qualify for both the Olympic Games and Paralympic games, but at the last minute, the Olympic skiing couch decided that Brian has a smaller chance in winning than his teammates, so he did not get to race. If you were Brian's friend, what would you do when he found out he couldn't race in the Olympic Games? You knew that his Paralympic games would take place 2 weeks after the Olympics.
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First, I would allow Brian the space and time to work through any feelings of disappointment and frustration that he may be feeling in the moment. I would also remind him that, although he does not get to race in the Olympic Games, he has achieved an incredible honor in making it to the Olympic level, and that he has achieved something very few athletes have. I would encourage him to take the time to recognize and celebrate all of his accomplishments that got him to where he is today, and to be proud of what he has accomplished.

I would then try to help Brian focus on the upcoming Paralympic Games and work to train and prepare for these events. I would provide encouragement and support to help boost Brian’s confidence, and do my best to help him stay positive and productive while he trains for the upcoming games. I would remind Brian that the great thing about sports is that you always have another opportunity to succeed, and he has the opportunity to do so in the Paralympic Games. Finally, I would try to make sure that Brian gets to enjoy some time off and relaxation during this period, as I know the days of training would be intense.

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A patient requests needles and syringes at his/her local pharmacy. They do not present with a prescription, and based on the records you can access, they are not receiving treatment for diabetes. Do you sell the syringes or not?
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I would not sell the syringes without a prescription. Needles and syringes require careful consideration when used outside of standard medical care, and without a medical diagnosis, it is too risky for me to provide them. I understand that a patient may need syringes and needles for a variety of reasons, but I cannot make a judgement call on what may be medically necessary in that instance. It puts both patient and pharmacy at risk of liability if an incorrect determination is made. I would recommend talking to your doctor first to determine the need and get a prescription if necessary.

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You are a genetic counsellor. One of your clients, Linda, had a boy with a genetic defect that may have a high recurrence risk, meaning her subsequent pregnancies has a high chance of being affected by the same defect. You offered genetic testing of Linda, her husband, and their son to find out more about their disease, to which everyone agreed. The result showed that neither Linda nor her husband carry the mutation, while the boy inherited the mutation on a paternal chromosome that did not come from Linda's husband. In other words, the boy's biological father is someone else, who is unaware that he carries the mutation. You suspect that Linda nor her husband are aware of this non-paternity. How would you disclose the results of this genetic analysis to Linda and her family? What principles and who do you have to take into consideration in this case?
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In a situation like this, I believe that empathy and sensitivity are the most important guiding principles. In the counselling session, I would start by affirming the emotions Linda and her family are feeling and expressing understanding of the difficult news. I would explain to them the results of the genetic analysis in a fact-based, non-judgmental way and acknowledge that education, support and counseling may be necessary for this process.

I would also make sure that I present the facts to Linda and her family in a nuanced way, as to respect the privacy of both sides. In such a delicate situation, it is important to make Linda and her family feel like their feelings and worries are valid, while also giving a responsible and educational conversation on the subject.

Throughout the conversation, I would take into consideration the possibility of psychosocial and psychological distress among those involved, which is often brought on by ethical implications like this one. I would also tell Linda and her family that resources can be available if they choose to take them (e.g. counselling).

In the end, regardless of what they choose to do, they need to all be comfortable with the decision they make.

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Should the government directly fund the education of medical students as opposed to funding other professions such as law and engineering? Discuss this question with the interviewer.
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I believe the government should fund the education of medical students. As a profession, there is a larger societal benefit due to the added value medical students bring to society. Having a healthy population leads to a more productive population, better economy and greater opportunities for everyone. Additionally, the cost of medical education is extremely high, making it difficult for people from lower socio-economic backgrounds to pursue a medical degree. By directly funding medical students, the government can help increase the number of qualified medical professionals, which in turn, can increase access to care and lessen the burden of the healthcare system. Ultimately, the government should fund medical students in order to ensure a better society.

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You are a cardiologist at a local hospital, who just finished a shift and has a tight run to your daughter's high school graduation ceremony. As you headed off to the door, Jennifer, a patient who knew you well, saw you from the waiting room and grabbed your attention. "Doctor! I have a bad chest pain. Please stay for a bit. I'll feel much better if you were here." Enter the waiting room and talk to Jennifer.
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Hello Jennifer, it's great to see you today. I'm sorry to hear that you are having chest pain, and I wish that I could stay longer and really chat, but I'm on my way to my daughter's high school graduation ceremony. Can you tell me what the pain feels like? Is it sharp, radiating, aching, or something else? What makes it better or worse? How long have you been feeling it? I know that this is a very important moment, and I want to make sure that you are feeling better and taken care of before I go, so what do you think we should do to make sure that you are doing okay?

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Due to a shortage of physicians in rural and Northern communities in BC, some policy-makers have suggested that medical programs preferentially admit students who are willing to commit to a 2 or 3 year tenure in rural areas after graduation. Consider the broad implications of this policy for health care and the costs associated. Will this policy be effective?
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The policy of preferentially admitting students willing to commit to a 2 or 3 year tenure in rural and Northern communities of BC is an effective way to address the shortages of physicians in these areas. It would not only help to address the current shortages, but it would also create a more sustainable and equitable model of health care across the province. The policy would also help to improve the quality and access to healthcare for rural and Northern communities, allowing for more timely care and better overall health outcomes.

However, this policy should also consider the costs associated with such a system. The additional costs would include improved education, access to medical equipment and supplies, and medical staff to ensure that the necessary care is being provided to these communities. In addition, there will be the costs associated with recruiting doctors willing to commit to a short-term multi-year tenure in rural and Northern BC.

Overall, it is essential to ensure that the policies created to address the shortage of physicians in rural and Northern communities are effective and sustainable. These policies should take into account the costs associated with implementation, while also creating equitable and accessible health care structures.

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A member of your family decides to depend solely on alternative medicine for treatment of his or her significant illness. What would you do?
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First of all, I’d try to understand the motivations behind my family member’s decision and ask for more information about the therapeutic approach they are considering and the available evidence for it. Depending on the context, I may be open to further exploring and discussing the alternative approach. However, I would ultimately advise my family member on the best route of treatment based on the most recent and reliable evidence-based research I’ve learned so far in medical school. I would encourage them to consult experts with knowledge and experience in traditional medical treatments. Ultimately, I would encourage my family member to pursue a combination of traditional and alternative treatments, if appropriate, in order to help ensure the best chance of relieving their symptoms and achieving the best health outcome.

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How does Canadian health care system compare to that of Britain‟s system?
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I believe the Canadian health system is far more comprehensive and advanced than Britain's health system. We in Canada have a wide range of health care services and access to some of the best medical treatments available in the world. The Canadian health care system is built on a combination of public and private health care providers, which means that everyone in the country has access to basic medical coverage regardless of their income or employment status. In comparison, Britain's system is more limited and relies on a less well-structured three-tier system that can be costly for many citizens. Furthermore, Canadian citizens have access to more medical technology, resources and treatments than those in Britain, which allows for better care for our citizens.

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Your friend tells you that a piece of expensive electronic equipment he had bought for $3000 just two weeks ago had stopped working. The store where he bought it had a 7-day return policy. Your friend goes to the store, buys a new piece of equipment and then returns the old damaged equipment in its place for a full refund. The store is owned by your uncle who is struggling to keep the business going. How would you deal with the situation?
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In this situation, the choices I would make would center on doing what's best for the business and protecting my uncle's financial interests. First, I would encourage my friend to find out what is wrong with their purchased equipment - in case a repair is possible - before purchasing a new replacement. If a repair is not possible and a new model is required, I would still encourage my friend to buy it from the same store owned by my uncle. This way my uncle would at least make a sale and it's possible he may even be able to offer a discount. My uncle would still benefit from the sale, while also safeguarding his return policy. I would make sure to discuss this plan with my friend, to ensure they understand their role in helping to support my uncle's business. Ultimately, I think it's important to keep in mind that this situation is challenging for everyone involved and it is important to act with integrity and empathy.

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Imagine you are the principal of a full fee paying school. There has been an allegation by members of the public of an incident in a park in which at least two senior school students were seen verbally abusing a young person with intellectual impairment for the amusement of a group of other students. Two final year students are to attend a hearing with the principal to explain their actions in the incident. What are the issues the principal is likely to consider at the hearing?
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The principal is likely to consider a range of issues at the hearing. Firstly, the students' actions must be carefully evaluated in order to determine their culpability and whether their behaviour is reasonable in the circumstances. Secondly, the principal may take into account the students' age and experience, as well as their personal attributes, to assess the level of responsibility assigned to each student and determine the appropriateness of any potential sanction. Additionally, the principal will consider how the incident reflects on the school's reputation and the values it holds, and this will be compared to those of the offending students. Finally, the principal must consider the impact of the incident on the young person with intellectual impairment, as this will determine the kind of restorative action required to promote healing and reconciliation. All these factors are essential to ensure full accountability and an appropriate resolution to the incident.

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What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?
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Medicare and Medicaid are two health insurance programs available in the United States. Medicare is a federal health insurance program aimed at individuals who are 65 years or older, although certain individuals of any age may be eligible for coverage. It provides hospitalization insurance and covers other costs for health care such as doctor visits, preventive and outpatient services, mental health care, and prescription drugs. Medicaid is a jointly-funded federal and state health insurance program that helps people with low incomes and certain disabilities obtain health care. It generally provides comprehensive coverage of medical, hospital, and long-term institutional care, as well as preventive and rehabilitative services. Medicaid also provides additional benefits and services that may not be covered by Medicare.

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Your best friend tells you he is a compulsive gambler. He has lost all his money and he asks you for a loan in order to buy food, to pay back his loan sharks and then use the rest to try to win it all back. Discuss the broad implications of gambling on society.
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Gambling can have significant implications for society as a whole because it can lead to a range of economic issues. It is possible for excessive gambling to lead to large losses of money, bankruptcy and even homelessness. Depending on the scale of the problem, gambling can have an impact on entire communities when people are unable to make rent payments or purchase food and other necessary items, or when money for large development projects is lost. On a personal level, gambling can cause a range of emotional and psychological issues. People who gamble excessively often damage relationships and lose their ability to resist cravings, leading to a cycle of addictive behavior.

Unfortunately, I cannot provide you with a loan. Lending you money would not be a responsible action because it enables your behavior and keeps you in the cycle of gambling. If I could go back in time, I would have encouraged you to explore ways to take more control of your life. What I can do is provide you with emotional support and guidance. This can include helping you find resources in your community that better address your needs and overall psychological well-being, such as counseling and addiction centers. There are also financial services and advice centers that can provide you with helpful information and support.

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A 18-year old man is diagnosed to have suspected bacterial meningitis. He refuses therapy and returns to the college dormitory. What should a physician do in this situation?
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If a patient is diagnosed with suspected bacterial meningitis and refuses therapy, it is important to follow-up with the patient and ensure proper safety measures are taken. First, the physician should ensure the patient is aware of the severity of their condition and potential consequences if they do not seek proper medical attention. It is also essential to inform the patient of the risk they pose to those around them, should they choose not to receive treatment.

In addition to continuing to explain the dangers of their condition, it is important to research the patient's options regarding proper care and treatment, including any financial aid or support groups that would provide meaningful assistance. Lastly, the physician should ensure that there is a strong support system in place at the patient's college dorm. This would include the availability of resources such as counselors, mental health professionals, and other home remedies if possible. Through continued conversations with the patient, the physician should work to ensure that the patient receives the care they need and that their safety is prioritized at all times.

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It has been suggested that in order to promote healthy lifestyles, medical schools preferentially admit students who do not smoke. Do you think this approach will be effective? Discuss the implications with respect to health and health care costs.
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I do think this approach will be effective in promoting healthy lifestyles. Studies have shown that medical students who are free of cigarette smoking and other unhealthy habits have a better outlook on health and wellness as they enter their medical career. By proactively selecting for those applicants who do not smoke, medical schools are sending a positive message about health and wellness, which can later be transferred to patients.

In terms of health and health care costs, this approach could result in a decrease in overall costs. By selecting for non-smokers and promoting a healthy lifestyle, medical schools are creating a foundation to minimize future health costs associated with smoking-related illnesses. This could ultimately result in a decrease in health care costs, as well as an improved quality of life for patients.

At the same time, there are potential issues that arise with this approach. Some may argue that pre-selecting those who do not smoke is a form of discrimination and may not take into account some potential medical students who may have a desire to quit smoking and make health and wellness a priority. Thus, it is important to ensure that opportunities are created in the pre-selection process that can provide support or resources for applicants to switch to a healthier lifestyle upon admission.

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Data has shown that doctors who smoke are less likely to make good role models for patients. Should doctors be allowed to smoke? Do doctors need to be role models?
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I don't believe that doctors should be allowed to smoke. As healthcare professionals, we have a responsibility to provide the best example of healthy lifestyle choices to our patients by leading healthy lifestyles ourselves. We should also encourage our patients to make healthy choices, which smoking contradicts. I think that doctors should take on the role of patient advocate and need to be role models to set good examples for our patients. If a doctor were to smoke, they would be sending an irresponsible message and would be setting the wrong example.

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You and 3 friends are watching a 70 yr old man prepare a hot-air balloon. The balloon is ready and the man is holding one of the 5 released anchors ropes that are all 6m long. His 10 yr old grandson is already in the basket. A gust of wind raises the balloon 2m off the ground. The man shouts for help and you and your friends each grab close to the end of one of the other anchor ropes. The balloon raises so high that even though you are holding onto the ropes, you are lifted off the ground to a height of 7m. What would you do in this situation.
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In this situation, my first priority would be to take into account the safety of the man, his grandson, and the three of us holding onto the ropes. I would call for help from those on the ground who have the capacity to provide assistance in maneuvering the balloon safely. I would suggest that those on the ground use methods such as tying off the four ropes to a large, sturdy object in order to lower the balloon and ensure safe descent. Depending on the availability of assistance and materials, I might also suggest adding additional weight to the balloon in order to bring it back safely to the ground, if possible. In any case, my primary goal would be to get the man and his grandson safely down and to guarantee their safety and well-being.

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What do you see as being the biggest issues/problems in health care now and in the future. What do you think are possible solutions to these issues?
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One of the biggest issues in healthcare now and in the future is resource availability and allocation. With an aging population and the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, the demand for healthcare increases every year. This puts a great strain on the healthcare system, leading to issues such as long wait times, overcrowded facilities, and overburdened healthcare providers.

Substantial investments must be made in the healthcare system in order to address the resource issue. This can include investing in more efficient ways to deliver healthcare, such as telemedicine and expanded access to health information technologies. We must also consider expanding health care coverage, such as by increasing access to insurance, so that more people are able to receive the care they need.

Finally, we must prioritize preventative care. By investing in public health initiatives, such as campaigns encouraging healthy lifestyle habits and disease prevention programs, we can help curb the growth of preventable conditions, thus helping to alleviate the burden on the healthcare system. Taking a proactive approach to healthcare may be our most effective way of providing quality care to all Canadians.

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A general principal in the pharmaceutical industry is that a drug is not real unless it has been tested in English speaking countries. A real drug is one that actually works and can be an economically viable product. Do you think this general principal is valid and/or acceptable? Discuss this question with the interviewer.
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I believe this general principal is valid andacceptable, as it ensures that drugs are supported by strong evidence that proves their safety and efficacy. Furthermore, English speaking countries typically have well-established regulatory frameworks in place to guarantee the highest standards of safety and efficacy. Additionally, by testing the drug in a larger population of English speaking countries, it helps to ensure that the drug can be an economically viable product.

However, I would call into question the ethical considerations of this principal. Particularly, it could disadvantage non-English speaking countries and populations, who have unique health needs and different cultural contexts which could directly impact the efficacy and success of a drug.

Therefore, as a doctor I would advocate for a more equitable approach which better incorporates global perspectives and considers the needs of non-English speaking countries. Increasing global collaborations and sharing of scientific data could help to achieve this, and could go some way to levelling the playing field when it comes to pharmaceuticals and healthcare.

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The man who lives next door to you often rides his bicycle in the company of his two young children but without a helmet. In fact, on several occasions you have seen him riding with his helmet hanging by its straps from the handlebars. His young children sometimes wear a helmet, sometimes not. If the man fell off his bicycle and hurt his head in a way that would have been prevented if he had worn a helmet, would it be reasonable to ask him to contribute towards the treatment cost for his injury?
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I would not recommend asking the man to contribute towards the treatment cost for his injury if he had fallen off the bicycle and hurt his head. It's important to remember that no matter what he may or may not be doing, this man and his children are still our neighbors and should be treated with respect and compassion. In addition, if I were to ask him to contribute to the treatment cost for his injury and he were unable to pay for it, it could create a heavy financial burden for him and potential resentment towards me if I forced him to pay. As a physician, I believe it is my duty to advocate for the health and well-being of my patients, and I believe that the best approach for this issue would be to suggest to the man the importance of protecting himself and his children with helmets while riding their bicycles.

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The man who lives next door to you often rides his bicycle in the company of his two young children but without a helmet. In fact, on several occasions you have seen him riding with his helmet hanging by its straps from the handlebars. His young children sometimes wear a helmet, sometimes not. If the man fell off his bicycle and hurt his head in a way that would have been prevented if he had worn a helmet, would it be reasonable to ask him to contribute towards the treatment costs for his injury?
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This is a tricky situation, but it is important to remember that patient autonomy and safety is often the highest priority for a physician. The patient should be made aware of the potential risks associated with not wearing a helmet and be educated on the importance of wearing one. If he fell from his bike and hurt his head in a way that could've been prevented if he had worn a helmet, it might be reasonable to suggest that he contributes towards the treatment cost for his injury. I think it's important to approach this situation with empathy, understanding, and openness to ensure that the patient's wellbeing is always the primary concern.

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A high school student has to choose between two colleges. The student had several friends who were similar to himself in values and abilities at each school. All of his friends at school A liked it on both educational and social grounds; all of them at school B had deep reservations on both grounds. The student visited both schools for a day and his impressions were the reverse; he enjoyed school B, but had reservations about school A. Dr. James Wanstedt provided a testimonial that school B provides a superior education. Furthermore, the registrar at school B has just released a report claiming that the employment rate for graduates of school B is 93%, 10 percent higher than it was 10 years ago. Finally, an unbiased consumer advocate reports that 98% of the alumni association have indicated that they were happy or very happy with the education they received at school B. Which school should the student choose? Discuss the student's decision with the examiner.
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I believe that the student should ultimately choose the school that best fits their needs. School B seems to have a lot of evidence in favor of it, with the Dr. Wanstedt testimonial and the recent report from the registrar. Additionally, the 98% satisfaction rate from the alumni association is also a big plus. However, the student should also weigh their personal impressions from the daylong visit. If he enjoyed school B more, but was still unsure of its educational and social merits, then he should make sure to look into the school since his friends, who have similar values and abilities, all seem to be happy there. Ultimately, the student should choose the school that best fits his needs and values after gathering as much information as possible.

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Statistics have shown that effects of advanced age such as changes in vision and response time may adversely affect elderly drivers' ability to drive safely. As a matter of fact, many doctors discuss the issue of stopping driving with their older patients as a precaution for the safety of theirs as well as the public's. Do you think older drivers have to give up driving when they reach a certain age?
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I believe there needs to be an individual assessment of each patient's situation. It's important to take into account their physical, cognitive and emotional capabilities. In some cases, there may be mobility issues or physical ailments such as poor eyesight or hearing loss that may put them at risk when driving. In those cases, it could be beneficial to have a conversation with the patient to discuss alternatives to driving or transportation that can help minimize risks. Generally, encouraging regular eye exams, following physical activity and healthy diet guidelines, and having regular check-ins with the doctor to discuss any issues can be beneficial. Ultimately, the safety of the elderly drivers and the public is the most important factor, and older drivers should evaluate their abilities accordingly.

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You are on a day out in London with a group of friends. One member of your group, who has never been to London before, becomes separated from the rest of the group in the Underground. What actions would you take?
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If a member of my group became separated from the rest of us while we were on a day out in London, my first step would be to contact the London Metropolitan Police. I would explain to them the location where the group last saw the person, the time of the incident, and any distinguishing features or characteristics of the person we are trying to locate. I would then ask for their assistance and advice for how to carry out a search. I would also reach out to Underground staff if feasible and ask for their assistance in monitoring CCTV footage of the area. It would also be useful to scour nearby areas in hopes of finding the person, or posting creative fliers around town. Finally, I would stay in London as long as it is necessary to support the search.

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The daughter of the interviewer is 16 years old. She is adamant that she have a tattoo next week. The interviewer is against letting her daughter have a tattoo and this is causing much friction in the household. What advice would you give the interviewer?
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I would start by advocating for open communication. It's important that the daughter and her parents talk about the implications of getting a tattoo before making a decision. This is especially important at 16-years-old, as tattoos may permanently mark her body. The implications of having a tattoo at a young age need to be discussed before the daughter makes a decision.

It's also important to understand why the daughter is interested in getting a tattoo. Does she feel like it expresses her identity? Does she want to feel more grown-up? It's important to explore any motivations that the daughter has for getting a tattoo.

In addition, it's important to recognize the legal implications. In Canada, minors (persons under the age of 18) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to get a tattoo. The daughter's parents should think about what message they are sending by accompanying her to get a tattoo and consider if it is okay for them to consent for their daughter to get a tattoo.

Ultimately, it is the daughter's choice. She may make a decision to get a tattoo, and parents need to accept that she is ready to make that choice. However, it is important for her to fully understand the implications and make an informed decision.

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One of the key competencies for medical practice outlined by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada is the need to develop and maintain self-assessment skills. Describe the strategies you employ when assessing your ability.
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When assessing my ability, I use a combination of self-reflection and feedback from others. In terms of self-reflection, I take the time to think about my individual strengths and weaknesses and how they factor into the job I’m performing. I make sure to question my decisions and actions and consider alternative options. This approach allows me to stay aware of how effectively I am performing and how I can continue to improve.

In addition to self-reflection, I also use feedback from my peers and mentors. I usually ask for constructive criticism and I welcome feedback with an open mind. I feel that again, this provides me with a valuable insight into how I am performing and ways in which I can grow as a doctor.

Overall, I’m constantly engaging in self-assessment in order to be the best doctor I can be.

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A woman enters the emergency room with stomach pain. She undergoes a CT scan and is diagnosed with an abdominal aortic aneurysm. The physicians inform her that the only way to fix the problem is surgically, and that the chances of survival are about 50/50. They also inform her that time is of the essence, and that should the aneurysm burst, she would be dead in a few short minutes. The woman is an exotic dancer; she worries that the surgery will leave a scar that will negatively affect her work; therefore, she refuses any surgical treatment. Even after much pressuring from the physicians, she adamantly refuses surgery. Feeling that the woman is not in her correct state of mind and knowing that time is of the essence, the surgeons decide to perform the procedure without consent. They anaesthetize her and surgically repair the aneurysm. She survives, and sues the hospital for millions of dollars. Do you believe that the physician's actions can be justified in any way? Is it ever right to take away someone's autonomy?
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I believe the physicians' actions can be justified in certain respects, and I understand their decision-making process. Knowing that time was of the essence and that the woman's life was in serious danger, the physicians had to make a decision as quickly as possible with limited information. Given the facts of this scenario, I believe it was within the physician's rights to bypass the woman's autonomy in order to save her life. Of course, I understand that this would never be an ideal situation, given the potential legal ramifications that may follow the surgery, and it is always our goal as physicians to respect a patient's autonomy. However, in this instance, when faced with two difficult choices, the physicians chose to prioritize the woman's life over her autonomy. In a situation like this, I believe that the physicians have the responsibility to act in the best interest of the patient, even if it means bypassing her autonomy.

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The parking garage at your place of work has assigned parking spots. On leaving your spot, you are observed by the parking attendant as you back into a neighbouring car, a BMW, knocking out its left front headlight and denting the left front fender. The garage attendant gives you the name and office number of the owner of the neighbouring car, telling you that he is calling ahead to the car owner, Tim. The garage owner tells you that Tim is expecting your visit. You enter Tim‟s office.
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When I entered Tim's office, I immediately apologized for the incident and explained what had happened in detail. I could tell that Tim was understandably upset, so I offered to take full responsibility for the damage and take care of any costs associated with the repair. I informed him that I had the insurance coverage necessary to cover the repairs, and if he needed assistance with filing a claim, I was more than willing to help. I also let him know that if there were any other expenses, such as a rental car or towing fees, I was happy to cover those too. Finally, I promised Tim that I would do whatever I could to ensure the issue was resolved in a timely and satisfactory manner.

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Do you think medicine should be more about changing behaviour to prevent disease or treating existing disease?
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I think medicine should strive to be inclusive of both preventative and curative care. By imparting preventative measures and encouraging healthy lifestyle choices, we can significantly reduce the burden of chronic diseases that so greatly burden our population and healthcare system. We also must have effective treatments for existing conditions as cures for many medical conditions remain elusive in spite of our best efforts. Ultimately, I believe that a balance of both preventative and curative medicine is essential and that we should work together to ensure equitable care for all.

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You are a first year medical student who is doing above average in some subjects, and below average on others. What would you do in this situation? What resources would you access?
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As a first-year medical student, it is not uncommon to struggle with some classes or topics more than others. In my experience, the best way to overcome any perceived weaknesses is to use additional resources and to think critically. Firstly, I would identify any areas that I am struggling with, reach out to my peers, professors, or tutors to access extra support and guidance, and actively look for additional resources to supplement my studies. These could range from online courses and tutorials, to review books and flashcards. Additionally, I would make sure to get plenty of rest and attend any extra classes or review sessions that are available. Finally, I believe it is important to prioritize and manage your time well to ensure you are able to stay ahead of the curriculum demands – this may involve reallocating study time towards the areas where more improvement is needed. By proactively using any resources at your disposal, I am confident the necessary improvement can be achieved.

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Your friend is of Chinese descent and fluent in Mandarin. You both want to get into medicine. She registers for Mandarin 101, a course in Chinese language for beginners. The course coordinator asks that students who can already speak just a little bit of Mandarin should leave because this is a course for beginners. Your friend remains but makes a sufficient number of deliberate mistakes in the classroom discussions, in the required homework and in the examinations that she will not be detected and yet still receive an excellent grade. What would you do in this situation?
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If I was in this situation, I would speak to my friend and encourage her to come clean with the course coordinator. It may be difficult for her to do so, but honesty is always the best policy. Furthermore, participating in this course dishonestly is not only unethical, but could also be against the rules of the medical school if my friend is accepted.

If she does not want to come clean with the course coordinator, I would encourage her to drop the course and take an alternative course such as a Mandarin language immersion program that is better suited for someone with her level of language fluency. Additionally, I would recommend that she set up a meeting with the course coordinator to explain the situation in a respectful way.

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Your company needs both you and a co-worker (Sara, a colleague from another branch of the company) to attend a critical business meeting in San Diego. You have just arrived to drive Sara to the airport. Sara is in the room.
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I have arrived to drive Sara to the airport. I'm pleased to report that Sara is in the room and ready to go. We have discussed what we need to do at the meeting and I'm confident that she is well-prepared. We both understand how important this business meeting is and we want to do our best and make sure the meeting is a success.

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Recently, the Prime Minister of Canada suggested the idea of deterrent fees (a small charge, say $10, which everyone who initiates a visit to a health professional would have to pay at the first contact) as a way to control health care costs. The assumption is that this will deter people from visiting their doctor for unnecessary reasons. Consider the broad implications of this policy for health and health care costs.
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I believe the idea of deterrent fees may be well-intentioned to help control health care costs, however, I do not think it is the solution to this issue. The proposed fee would create a financial barrier for some individuals to access care when they need it. This could further marginalize those from lower socio-economic backgrounds and those in rural regions who may already have limited or no access to health services. This could lead to greater health disparities in Canada, as those who can’t afford the fee may forgo treatment that could have prevented unnecessary medical costs in the long run. Secondly, this policy could lead to people delaying necessary care for fear of the added cost and lead to more serious health problems that would cause greater strain on overall health care costs. In conclusion, though this policy may have the potential to help reduce health care costs, it may have far more serious implications with regards to health disparities in our country.

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A man has been responsible for taking care of his wife who is in a vegetative state for 6 years after a car accident. She can breathe on her own but that is the extent of her abilities. He requests that her feeding tube be removed. What should you, as her physician do?
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First off, as her physician, I would want to make sure that I was providing the best possible care to the patient in this situation. I understand that this situation is very difficult on the family, and I would want to support them while also making sure they are doing what is best for the patient.

I would speak with the family in full detail about the patient’s condition, prognosis, and what kind of care can still be provided even if the feeding tube is removed. I would point out the risks associated with removing her feeding tube, including the risk that further medical interventions may be necessary. I would also explain what would happen to the patient if the feeding tube were removed, both medically and emotionally.

At the end of the day, the decision of what to do about the patient's feeding tube is ultimately up to the family, so I would make sure that I was listening to their wishes and concerns. I would also make sure that I was following all regulations and standards of care set out by the medical community, and that they were being applied correctly and ethically to this particular scenario.

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Preferential Admission (Knowledge of the Heath Care System): Due to the shortage of physicians in rural communities such as those in Northern Ontario, it has been suggested that medical programmes preferentially admit students who are willing to commit to a 2 or 3 year tenure in an under-serviced area upon graduation. Consider the broad implications of this policy for health and health care costs. For example, do you think the approach will be effective?
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I believe this approach has the potential to be very effective in addressing the physician shortages in rural areas; however, there are important considerations that must be taken into account to ensure its success. Firstly, there needs to be sufficient incentives for physicians-in-training to commit to working in underserved communities. This could include measures such as increasing stipends or providing additional training or specialty opportunities. Secondly, the government must ensure that medical programs are taking steps to ensure that these graduates are well-prepared to practice in underserviced areas; this could involve introducing dedicated tracts or streamlining curricula to provide appropriate training. Thirdly, there should be sufficient resources and infrastructure to support the influx of new physicians, such as access to appropriate specialist care and diagnostic technologies. Finally, any policy should consider the potential impact on health costs; for example, increased spending in rural areas as a result of better access to care and improved health outcomes overall.

All in all, I think preferential admission could be a successful policy, assuming it is well-planned and supported. It has the potential to greatly improve access to care in underserved areas, leading to more efficient and cost-effective care in the long run.

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You are a current undergraduate student. During the week of graduation, you attend a number of parties around the Lower Mainland with your best friend, Kelly. The last party is held at a camp ground in Squamish. The morning after the party, you receive a call from Kelly. She asks that you come over and talk. Kelly reveals that she left early and drove home despite drinking that night. Enter the room and talk to Kelly.
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Hi Kelly. It's so nice to see you. What about graduation was so upsetting for you?

It's clear to me that something has been troubling you. I'm here to listen and talk if you want to share. Nothing you say will leave this room.

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Recently, a drug company has been aggressively marketing their HPV vaccine for young girls to protect young women from cervical cancer. The vaccine has gained support because it will be protecting girls from this potentially deadly and costly disease. However, some people think there haven‟t been enough clinical trials. Pick a stance on this issue and prepare to support your argument.
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My stance on this issue is that the HPV vaccine should be available and supported, as the cost of cervical cancer prevention is far less than the cost of treating this disease. I believe the clinical data currently available on the vaccine supports its efficacy for preventing HPV-associated diseases, such as cervical cancer. This data shows that the vaccine has a high level of safety, efficacy, and acceptability. Additionally, there has been research in multiple countries studying the immunogenicity of the vaccine and results demonstrate that it stimulates an appropriate immune response.

I understand there are concerns that there are not enough clinical trials, but with its 10-year history, this vaccine has been rigorously studied. What's more, the medical community believes that HPV vaccines offer high levels of protection, citing data that determines it can help reduce the risk of cervical cancer. Thus, I rely on the collective medical opinion of the medical field when it comes to this issue.

The ultimate priority when deciding to implement a vaccine should be the safety of those receiving it. We must not forget that the HPV vaccine can help to save countless lives, both by preventing initial infection and by preventing subsequent cervical cancer induced from the infection.

We owe it to our patients to ensure their safety and we owe it to the public to do our due diligence when it comes to vaccines. That is why I am an advocate for the HPV vaccine.

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In your opinion, what is a primary flaw in the health care system? How would you address it?
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In my opinion, one primary flaw in the health care system is a lack of understanding about health disparities, particularly for underserved populations. To address this flaw, I believe a comprehensive approach is needed. This should include educational programs aimed at healthcare providers to increase their knowledge of care disparities between different populations, focusing not only on disadvantaged populations, but also on ethnic, racial, and fiscal differences. Furthermore, meaningful collaborations between different healthcare stakeholders, including patients and representatives from the underserved population, governments, and healthcare providers should be pursued. These collaborations should ensure resources are available to serving the specific needs of underserved populations and ensure access to healthcare is equitable. Finally, research must be conducted to understand and uncover the root causes of health disparities, which should in turn be used to inform policy and practice in order to address and reduce health disparities.

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Deterrent Fees (Knowledge of the Health Care System) Recently, the Prime Minister of Canada raised the issue of deterrent fees (a small charge, say $10, which everyone who initiates a visit to a health professional would have to pay at the first contact) as a way to control health care costs. The assumption is that this will deter people from visiting their doctor for unnecessary reasons. Consider the broad implication of this policy for health and health care costs. For example, do you think this approach will save health care costs? At what expense? Discuss this issue with the interviewer.
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I believe that deterrent fees have the potential to save health care costs, but only if the fees are consistent across the board, and only if there is meaningful education and support for those who are most vulnerable. A deterrent fee should also be mitigating measures in place to ensure those who are in need of medical assistance receive it.

In this sense, the underlying assumption of the policy is that it will act as a preventative measure to ensure more responsible use of health care services. While this may help to reduce costs associated with visites deemed as "unnecessary", it may also create additional costs for those already struggling to access health care services in the long-term. Thus, any deterrent fees should be paired with educational and financial supports that allow full access to services for those who may not otherwise be able to pay the fee.

Overall, I think the potential savings from such a policy could be significant, but there must be additional considerations to ensure access to care is not hindered for those who need it most.

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You are a 1st year med student and you are in the room with a small group of students, a doctor and a young female patient. The doctor tells the patient to remove her shirt to do a breast exam. The patient is visibly uncomfortable but does what she is told. The physician then performs the exam and tells you to do it as well. Discuss your reaction to this situation.
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Thank you for the opportunity to discuss this situation. It is a difficult one in which all stakeholders must have their best interests and comfort considered. My reaction to a patient being uncomfortable while removing her shirt to do a breast exam is one of empathy and care. As a student, I would offer to talk to the patient and explain the procedure. I would offer her an opportunity to ask questions and to take comfort knowing that a doctor was present in the room. Additionally, I would explain the procedure in detail and offer her a gown or other form of covering prior to the exam starting.

As for the elderly woman in the emergency room with asthma, there are quite a few ethical issues at play. The first is the patient's autonomy in deciding whether or not to accept a student's care. Since the patient is unable to make a fully informed decision due to her health condition, the onus is on the physician and/or student to ensure that the elderly woman's wishes and beliefs are taken into consideration before making any decisions. Additionally, in this case, it is important to understand the woman's culture and religion, and to offer alternatives if treatment from a student is not acceptable. Safeguards should ensure that both the patient and the student are considered. For instance, a nurse or other healthcare provider could be present to ensure that the patient's wishes are respected and that the student is not in any danger. Additionally, it is important to consider clear communication between the physician and student, and to explicitly explain why certain decisions are being made.

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You witness two girls hitting a homeless woman and taking items that belong to her. The victim has only a bleeding nose. You approach her after the incident and she tells you she is fine, this has happened before by the same girls and it is no big deal. How do you deal with it?
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In this situation, I would take the victim to a safe place and offer her medical attention. Even though she says she is fine and this has happened before, I would explain to her that it is an important for her to seek medical attention in case there are any internal injuries that are not immediately visible.

I would also inform her that this assault is not a "no big deal" and it should not be tolerated. I would encourage her to report the incident to the police, and offer her emotional support and resources if she chose to do so. Furthermore, I would assure her that I will take any action necessary to protect her while ensuring her safety.

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Your best friend is an identical twin. The other twin has been sick with a variety of illnesses most of their lives. Several times, the other twin has been so ill that your best friend has supplied tissue (e.g., blood, bone marrow) sometimes to help their sibling stay alive. The other twin now needs a kidney transplant to stay alive. Their parents have assumed that your best friend will automatically donate the kidney as usual when tissue has been needed. However, your friend is now balking at this automatic assumption of donation and is considering saying „no‟. What would you say to your friend to convince him to donate the kidney?
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I understand how difficult it must be for your friend to make this decision. I would tell him that, by donating his kidney, he would be giving his sibling a chance to have a better, healthier life. If he is concerned about his own wellbeing and potential complications from the surgery, I would stress that the risks associated with donating a kidney are very low. As well, there are medical professionals who are highly trained and experienced in performing this type of operation in a safe manner.

I would also suggest that if your friend ultimately decides to donate, talking to a therapist or other professional that is knowledgeable in dealing with issues regarding organ donation might be beneficial. They could help your friend to process his/her feelings and explain what to expect throughout the entire process of the surgery and recovery.

Ultimately, this is a very personal decision, and I would tell your friend to listen to his/her heart and make a decision that he/she can feel good about.

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You are a general practitioner and a mother comes into your office with her child who is complaining of flu-like symptoms. Upon entering the room, you ask the boy to remove his shirt and you notice a pattern of bruises on the boy's torso. You ask the mother where the bruises came from, and she tells you that they are from a procedure she performed on him known as "cao gio," which is also known as "coining." The procedure involves rubbing warm oils or gels on a person's skin with a coin or other flat metal object. The mother explains that cao gio is used to raise out bad blood, and improve circulation and healing. When you touch the boy's back with your stethoscope, he winces in pain from the bruises. You debate whether or not you should call Child Protective Services and report the mother. When should a physician step in to stop a cultural practice? Should the physician be concerned about alienating the mother and other people of her ethnicity from modern medicine?
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I believe it is the duty of a physician to promote the health of their patient and protect them from any form of harm. Whenever one culturally sensitive practice is known to cause harm then the physician should step in to stop it.

The practice of "cao gio" in this case may not cause the same level of harm as abuse, but the presence of bruises and the pain when pressing the back with a stethoscope is necessarily concerning. I believe that involving Child Protective Services in this case would be a valid option.

I think it's important to be aware of the impact of a physician's actions. Alienation from modern medicine can be a real concern when making a decision. That is why I would first try to have a conversation with the mother to discuss why she is using this cultural practice and explain the potential risks it may pose to her child's health. Maybe there can be a good compromise between the cultural practice and modern medicine. It's important to remember that doctors today face complex ethical dilemmas and need to make decisions on a case by case basis.

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If the Prime Minister of Canada were to ask your advice on one change that could be applied to the healthcare system in Canada that would improve it enormously and have the greatest positive effect, what would it be?
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If the Prime Minister of Canada were to ask my advice on one change that could be applied to the healthcare system in Canada that would improve it enormously and have the greatest positive effect, I would suggest incorporating more primary care physicians into the system as soon as possible. Having more primary care physicians available for Canadians would increase access to preventative care, which is critical for improving overall health outcomes in Canada. Furthermore, it would help reduce healthcare costs for Canadians by allowing for early identification and treatment of illnesses, which would lead to more patients receiving effective care earlier. Additionally, primary care physicians would be able to provide comprehensive and comprehensive advice to their patients, ensuring that they are better informed to make the best decisions for their health.

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Discuss any topical health care issue that is unique to the Pacific Northwest region (or region for Med School you are applying to)?
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As a physician practicing in the Pacific Northwest, one of the most pertinent health care issues that we’re facing is the rise of opioid addiction. As the crisis spreads, many people are being put at risk and the numbers of deaths are on the rise every year. This has led to an increase in resources and efforts to combat the opioid epidemic. Some of these interventions include access to medications that can help with addiction, such as buprenorphine, as well as places where individuals can safely dispose of unused prescriptions in order to help prevent misuse. In addition, there is an ongoing dialogue to provide better access to mental health resources, as many people that are developing addiction habits are being driven to drug use out of desperation. All of these efforts are geared toward providing better and more comprehensive care, in order to help address this issue in our region.

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You and your best friend try out for the varsity track team. You just find out you got in, but your friend was rejected for the 3rd time. Enter the room.
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I was so excited when I got the news that I had made the varsity track team. Unfortunately, seeing the disappointment on my best friend's face when they found out that they had been rejected for the 3rd time was heartbreaking. Knowing that I was the one to make it when they hadn't made it for the third time really stirred up thoughts of guilt. I wanted to be supportive of my friend, so I immediately hugged them and told them that it was going to be okay. I told them to keep their head up and that I would be there for them no matter what. I could then see a trickle of hope in their eyes as we moved forward together, both of us having faced different outcomes.

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Some people think that the new or younger generation of physicians are not as hard-working (i.e., wanting to leave right at 5:00 p.m., not wanting to put in as long of a work week) as previous generations. How do you feel about this perception?
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As medicine advances with technology, what are the pros and cons? Discuss your experience with use of technology.
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Preferential Admission (Knowledge of the Heath Care System): Due to the shortage of physicians in rural communities such as those in Northern Ontario, it has been suggested that medical programmes preferentially admit students who are willing to commit to a 2 or 3 year tenure in an under-serviced area upon graduation. Consider the broad implications of this policy for health and health care costs. For example, do you think the approach will be effective?
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You are a cardiologist at a local hospital, who just finished a shift and has a tight run to your daughter's high school graduation ceremony. As you headed off to the door, Jennifer, a patient who knew you well, saw you from the waiting room and grabbed your attention. "Doctor! I have a bad chest pain. Please stay for a bit. I'll feel much better if you were here." Enter the waiting room and talk to Jennifer.
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You are a current undergraduate student. During the week of graduation, you attend a number of parties around the Lower Mainland with your best friend, Kelly. The last party is held at a camp ground in Squamish. The morning after the party, you receive a call from Kelly. She asks that you come over and talk. Kelly reveals that she left early and drove home despite drinking that night. Enter the room and talk to Kelly.
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