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Dr. Cheung recommends homeopathic medicines to his patients. There is no scientific evidence or widely accepted theory to suggest that homeopathic medicines work, and Dr. Cheung doesn't believe them to. He recommends homeopathic medicine to people with mild and non-specific symptoms such as fatigue, headaches and muscle aches, because he believes that it will do no harm, but will give them reassurance. Consider the ethical problems that Dr. Cheung's behaviour might pose. Discuss these issues with the interviewer.
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I believe Dr. Cheung's behavior is ethically questionable because, while he may believe that homeopathic medicines will do no harm, there is still no scientific evidence that suggests they will provide any benefit. Further, by encouraging the use of homeopathic medicines, Dr. Cheung may be providing false reassurance to his patients and leading them to forgo more effective treatments for their ailments. Additionally, this practice could be seen as deceptive and misleading, as Dr. Cheung is straying from accepted scientific norms.

Dr. Cheung should consider the ethical implications of his actions and be honest and transparent with his patients. He must openly discuss the lack of evidence for homeopathic treatments and explain their potential harm. Doing so will maintain the trust and respect of his patients, while still providing them with compassion. Furthermore, Dr. Cheung should focus on conventional medical treatments, recommending homeopathic medicines only when they are a patient's last resort option.

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Many fire-related tragedies in Canada have been the result of children playing with fire. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of parents, lighter companies and society with respect to this issue.
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Parents have the primary responsibility to prevent children from playing with fire. Parents should ensure that any fires are supervised, that their home is equipped with smoke detectors and fire extinguishers, and that their child has a basic understanding of fire safety. Lighter companies should ensure that lighters are childproof, or at least not easily accessible to children. They should also ensure proper warnings and safety information on the packaging of their products. Lastly, society as a whole should engage in efforts to educate parents and communities about the risks of fires, to ensure that everyone is aware of the concerns and knows how to best protect themselves and their children.

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You are presented with a list of 15 individuals, including details of their age, sex and occupation. You are being told that a nuclear attack is imminent and you are only allowed to save 5 of them from destruction. Which ones and why?
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I know this is a difficult decision, and my heart goes out to everyone on the list who would not be saved. However, if I am only able to save 5 people, my decision would be based on age and occupation. The five people I would save would be the youngest on the list, as they have the most life ahead of them and their lives are most likely to be positively impacted by intervention. Since I am a medical doctor, the priority of my decision would be to save individuals who have the capacity to help others. So, the four other individuals I would save are those whose occupation is related to providing medical care, first responders, or other essential services. That way, if we are able to evacuate before the nuclear attack, there will be potentially more lives saved, as these professionals would be able to provide medical care and essential services in the aftermath.

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An eighteen year-old female arrives in the emergency room with a profound nose bleed. You are the physician, and you have stopped the bleeding. She is now in a coma from blood loss and will die without a transfusion. A nurse finds a recent signed card from Jehovah's Witnesses Church in the patient's purse refusing blood transfusions under any circumstance. What would you do?
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Given the patient's wishes and medical circumstances, it is clear that I need to act swiftly to ensure the patient is provided with the full range of care. The patient has the right to refuse any treatments, however in this instance I would seek the patient's family or the Court for approval for transfusion, as the patient is in a coma and cannot make such decisions on her own. In Canada, doctors are expected to respect the rights of religious and cultural diversity of a patient when providing care. Therefore, if her refusal is based on faith, I would work with the family and the church to see if there are any alternatives that would be suitable for the patient based on her religious beliefs. Ultimately, I will have to make a decision based on the knowledge that I have that is in the best interest of the patient.

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A man has been responsible for taking care of his wife who is in a vegetative state for 6 years after a car accident. She can breathe on her own but that is the extent of her abilities. He requests that her feeding tube be removed. What should you, as her physician do?
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First off, as her physician, I would want to make sure that I was providing the best possible care to the patient in this situation. I understand that this situation is very difficult on the family, and I would want to support them while also making sure they are doing what is best for the patient.

I would speak with the family in full detail about the patient’s condition, prognosis, and what kind of care can still be provided even if the feeding tube is removed. I would point out the risks associated with removing her feeding tube, including the risk that further medical interventions may be necessary. I would also explain what would happen to the patient if the feeding tube were removed, both medically and emotionally.

At the end of the day, the decision of what to do about the patient's feeding tube is ultimately up to the family, so I would make sure that I was listening to their wishes and concerns. I would also make sure that I was following all regulations and standards of care set out by the medical community, and that they were being applied correctly and ethically to this particular scenario.

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Deterrent Fees (Knowledge of the Health Care System) Recently, the Prime Minister of Canada raised the issue of deterrent fees (a small charge, say $10, which everyone who initiates a visit to a health professional would have to pay at the first contact) as a way to control health care costs. The assumption is that this will deter people from visiting their doctor for unnecessary reasons. Consider the broad implication of this policy for health and health care costs. For example, do you think this approach will save health care costs? At what expense? Discuss this issue with the interviewer.
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I believe that deterrent fees have the potential to save health care costs, but only if the fees are consistent across the board, and only if there is meaningful education and support for those who are most vulnerable. A deterrent fee should also be mitigating measures in place to ensure those who are in need of medical assistance receive it.

In this sense, the underlying assumption of the policy is that it will act as a preventative measure to ensure more responsible use of health care services. While this may help to reduce costs associated with visites deemed as "unnecessary", it may also create additional costs for those already struggling to access health care services in the long-term. Thus, any deterrent fees should be paired with educational and financial supports that allow full access to services for those who may not otherwise be able to pay the fee.

Overall, I think the potential savings from such a policy could be significant, but there must be additional considerations to ensure access to care is not hindered for those who need it most.

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You are a young, single doctor working in a small town of 1500. You meet an attractive male/female at the bar that you are interested in. What problems do you foresee?
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I can see a few potential problems that could arise if I pursued a relationship with someone I met at a bar in my small town of 1500.

The biggest issue would be the potential for our relationship to be the subject of gossip, or even worse, malicious rumors, due to the small and close-knit nature of the town. Many people would associate me with my professional role as a doctor and any relationship I had would inevitably be linked to that. I think this would be difficult to deal with, both professionally and personally.

Another issue that I would have to consider is the potential ethical implications if I ended up getting involved with a patient in some capacity. Given the size of the town, it is likely that my romantic partner and I could cross paths in our professional lives. I would need to be very thoughtful about how I manage this situation and consider the potential implications of an inappropriate or unethical relationship.

Finally, my role as a doctor can be very demanding, leaving little time for a relationship. I would need to make sure that I was able to find a balance between my career and my relationships so as not to neglect either of them.

Overall, I think that there are many things to consider when thinking about entering a relationship in a small town, but with the right safeguards in place, I believe it could work.

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You are on a day out in London with a group of friends. One member of your group, who has never been to London before, becomes separated from the rest of the group in the Underground. What actions would you take?
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If a member of my group became separated from the rest of us while we were on a day out in London, my first step would be to contact the London Metropolitan Police. I would explain to them the location where the group last saw the person, the time of the incident, and any distinguishing features or characteristics of the person we are trying to locate. I would then ask for their assistance and advice for how to carry out a search. I would also reach out to Underground staff if feasible and ask for their assistance in monitoring CCTV footage of the area. It would also be useful to scour nearby areas in hopes of finding the person, or posting creative fliers around town. Finally, I would stay in London as long as it is necessary to support the search.

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You are a third year medical student involved in the research of Dr. A, a senior physician. He is testing the efficacy of a new drug on lowering cholesterol. This drug is not yet known be more effective that existing drugs on the market. He insists that you recruit patients for trials even though the clinical risks of the research are still undefined. What are the issues involved for the patients? For yourself?
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The issues involved for the patients include both clinical and ethical considerations. Clinical considerations include the risks associated with taking an unknown drug and the potential for side effects or other negative outcomes. Ethically, it is important to ensure patients are fully aware of the risks involved and that they are giving their informed consent.

For myself, I would need to ensure that I was upholding the best interests of the patients and was acting responsibly and professionally. I would also need to address any ethical concerns that might arise and conduct myself in a way that reflects the core principles of medical ethics.

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You are given a list of items that you would want to take in your suitcase for a two-week holiday. You are told that you can only pack half of the items available.
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If I'm given a list of items to take on a two-week holiday and can only pack half of them, I would pack the items that I will use more frequently and those that are lighter weight. For instance, I would bring clothes that are easy to layer and coordinate, so that I can mix and match to create different looks. I would also bring items such as toiletries, a first aid kit, and any medications that I may need. I would also include any necessary documents and paperwork to make the trip smoother. Finally, I would bring whatever electronics I will need, such as a laptop, cell phone, and any charging cords. That way, I can stay connected with family and friends and not miss a beat.

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Tasers are under greater public scrutiny. What are the medical, public health, public policy, legal and practical issues involved? What is your position as regards the use of tasers by public officials and in the private sector?
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As a medical doctor, I believe it is important to review all aspects of the issue when it comes to the use of tasers by public officials and in the private sector. Medical wise, the use of tasers can have medical repercussions, including physical trauma and the possibility of cardiac arrest. From a public health standpoint, the magnitude of harm tasers may pose to our population must be thoroughly considered. From a policy perspective, it is essential to determine what conditions and scenarios warrant the proper usage of tasers. Legally, proper laws need to be established that make sure the rights of those using tasers are honored and respected. Finally, the practical side of the issue must be taken into account to make sure that tasers are used only when absolutely necessary.

My position on the use of tasers by public officials and in the private sector is that we must make sure that those using tasers are properly trained, and that the laws established are followed and enforced to ensure the safety of all individuals involved. Moreover, tasers should only be used in extreme circumstances in which it is necessary to de-escalate a situation.

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You are an emergency room physician at a local hospital. A patient comes in requesting painkillers for his back. Upon reviewing his file, you realize that he frequently comes to the hospital requesting painkillers and he has already capped his prescription for the month. Upon examination, you notice no new injuries to indicate an increase in painkillers. You politely tell patient that you will not increase his dosage or re-fill out another prescription for him. He tells you that he will go and inject himself with heroin right now if he does not get the painkillers. What do you say next? What do you do?
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I would explain to the patient that I understand his predicament, and encourage him to consider other pain management strategies rather than using drugs. I would reassure him that I am here to help him find the most effective and safe treatment plan, and that I am willing to work with him to find a better outcome. Additionally, I would ask him to consider seeking out other resources such as support groups, counseling, or therapy to help him better manage his pain and enable him to find more positive and sustainable methods of relieving his pain. Lastly, I would explain to him that I am here to help, and if he does not feel comfortable discussing the situation with me or getting help elsewhere, then I can provide additional information and help him reach out to the proper resources.

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What is the difference between HMOs and PPOs?
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HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations) and PPOs (Preferred Provider Organizations) are two different types of managed care. HMOs require members to receive healthcare services from designated healthcare providers, often in their own network, in exchange for lower rates. PPOs offer members more flexibility, as they have the option of selecting different practitioners or facilities outside of their designated network; however, they will usually incur higher out-of-pocket costs when they choose to do so. Both HMOs and PPOs allow members to receive preventative care, including physicals and screenings, with little or no cost. Ultimately, individuals will want to consider which plan works better for their lifestyle and budget when selecting health care coverage.

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Should the government directly fund the education of medical students as opposed to funding other professions such as law and engineering? Discuss this question with the interviewer.
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I believe the government should fund the education of medical students. As a profession, there is a larger societal benefit due to the added value medical students bring to society. Having a healthy population leads to a more productive population, better economy and greater opportunities for everyone. Additionally, the cost of medical education is extremely high, making it difficult for people from lower socio-economic backgrounds to pursue a medical degree. By directly funding medical students, the government can help increase the number of qualified medical professionals, which in turn, can increase access to care and lessen the burden of the healthcare system. Ultimately, the government should fund medical students in order to ensure a better society.

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You are a second year student shadowing a doctor in the O.R. Once the patient, an obese female has been given general anesthetic and the procedure is under way the doctors start to make comments about her weight and call her names that you find inappropriate but most of all unprofessional. Do you talk to the doctor about his comments or do you keep your comments to yourself? Why?
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I believe it is my responsibility, as someone of medical authority, to address any inappropriate behaviour in the workplace. I would speak to the doctor privately about his comments, and explain why such language is hurtful and not conducive to a professional medical environment.

In my opinion, treating each patient with respect, empathy, and professionalism is paramount to the success of any medical procedure. Making derogatory comments about a patient's weight contributes to a hostile work environment. Additionally, overemphasizing an individual's weight not only has the potential to be hurtful but can also be harmful to the patient's mental and physical health.

I believe that a successful medical team is a united one. I would ensure that this doctor understands how his words can be seen as derogatory and unprofessional and advocate for the patient's right to their own dignity and respect.

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A 14 year old patient requests birth control pills from you and asks that you not tell her parents. What would you do?
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I understand your wish to remain confidential, but I do have an ethical responsibility to ensure the best decisions are made for your health. I would be willing to discuss hormonal contraception options with you but in order for you to use them safely and without informing your parents, I will need a comprehensive medical history and a review of any possible medical risks. I also need to discuss consent, since a 14 year old may not be fully capable of making an informed decision. It would be important to make sure your health would be well managed and that you fully understand the risks associated with using hormonal contraception. In addition, I would discuss other methods of contraception (for example, condoms) that could be used in the absence of hormonal contraception if appropriate.

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You are a cardiologist at a local hospital, who just finished a shift and has a tight run to your daughter's high school graduation ceremony. As you headed off to the door, Jennifer, a patient who knew you well, saw you from the waiting room and grabbed your attention. "Doctor! I have a bad chest pain. Please stay for a bit. I'll feel much better if you were here." Enter the waiting room and talk to Jennifer.
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Hello Jennifer, it's great to see you today. I'm sorry to hear that you are having chest pain, and I wish that I could stay longer and really chat, but I'm on my way to my daughter's high school graduation ceremony. Can you tell me what the pain feels like? Is it sharp, radiating, aching, or something else? What makes it better or worse? How long have you been feeling it? I know that this is a very important moment, and I want to make sure that you are feeling better and taken care of before I go, so what do you think we should do to make sure that you are doing okay?

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You are a GP working in a community where the majority of patients have very little education and many are refugees from other nations. What challenges do you foresee?
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As a GP working in a community where the majority of patients have very little education and many are refugees from other nations, I anticipate several challenges. One of the main issues is a lack of trust between patients and their healthcare providers. Refugees may distrust healthcare professionals due to cultural differences and lack of familiarity with the medical system in their new home. Additionally, individuals with little education may be confused by complex medical terminology and struggle to comprehend explanations and instructions. To adequately address these challenges, I believe it is important to approach every patient with compassion resulting in a trusting relationship and to use clear and concise explanations.

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You are sitting at a desk in front of the interviewer with a screen between you. You have a set of blocks in front of you and you have to set them up in a certain way. The interviewer knows the solution and you can't see them and can only ask them yes or no questions. Correctly assemble the blocks.
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I would begin by taking a few moments to observe the blocks, counting how many blocks there are and getting a sense of each block's size and shape. Then I would ask the interviewer if I can begin by asking questions about the blocks. Depending on the interviewer's response, I would then ask a series of short, yes or no questions that would help me understand the puzzle's constraints. Questions could include: “Do I need to use all the blocks?”, “Are the blocks touching one another?” and “Can I move individual blocks?”. As I ask questions, I'd make sure to take into account the interviewer's responses and slowly build the puzzle until I arrive at the desired solution. Through this process of structured problem solving, I would be demonstrating to the interviewer that I have the skills to work under pressure, think logically, and make sense of complex problems.

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At the beginning of your last year of undergraduate studies, the Dean of your Faculty has offered to all of you the opportunity to swallow a „red‟ pill. If swallowed, this pill would increase enormously your ability to „absorb‟ all the educational material being presented to you in all your courses. In fact, this pill would basically guarantee that you would receive an A+ in all your future courses with a significantly reduced workload. Would you take the red pill?
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Absolutely not. As a doctor, I understand the importance of hard work and dedication to being successful and responsibly helping patients. Taking this "red pill" would jeopardize my credibility as a medical professional and set a bad example for future students. In addition, knowledge gained through rigorous coursework, hands-on experience, and interactions with mentors is essential to becoming a well-rounded doctor. Instead of taking the pill, I chose to take advantage of the extra time I had that year of study to reach out to mentors, research opportunities, and participate in extracurricular activities that have helped me understand the context of medicine and my responsibilities as a physician.

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If the Prime Minister of Canada were to ask your advice on one change that could be applied to the healthcare system in Canada that would improve it enormously and have the greatest positive effect, what would it be?
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If the Prime Minister of Canada were to ask my advice on one change that could be applied to the healthcare system in Canada that would improve it enormously and have the greatest positive effect, I would suggest incorporating more primary care physicians into the system as soon as possible. Having more primary care physicians available for Canadians would increase access to preventative care, which is critical for improving overall health outcomes in Canada. Furthermore, it would help reduce healthcare costs for Canadians by allowing for early identification and treatment of illnesses, which would lead to more patients receiving effective care earlier. Additionally, primary care physicians would be able to provide comprehensive and comprehensive advice to their patients, ensuring that they are better informed to make the best decisions for their health.

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When you enter the room there will be a blank sheet of paper in front of you. On the other side of the room there is another candidate who will provide you with instructions regarding how to turn this page into an origami (paper folding) project. Do not look at the other candidate until told that you can do so. You have 5 minutes to complete the project after which you will be given 3 minutes to discuss with your colleague any difficulties that arise during your communication.
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If I enter the room to find a blank sheet of paper in front of me, I would take a few moments to gather myself and be prepared to listen to the instructions my colleague has to offer with an open and attentive mind. I understand communication plays a key role in this task and so when I am informed to not look at the other candidate, I will stay focused on the instructions given. I will be sure to ask questions or clarify any details if they are unclear so that I can accurately follow the instructions to complete the origami project. Additionally, I am well aware of the importance of time management and will strive to complete the project within the given 5 minutes. Once the task is complete, I will be eager to communicate and discuss with my colleague any difficulties that may have arisen during the communication process within the 3 minute timeframe.

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You discover that your boyfriend has a substance abuse problem. His conduct has never been influenced by this since you have been together. How do you handle this?
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If I discover that my boyfriend has a substance abuse problem, I would first want to approach him and talk about his problem in a calm and understanding manner. Expressing my love and support for him as we discuss the issue is key. I understand how difficult it can be to open up, so I don't want to create an environment of judgement in the conversation.

In the discussion, I would have to express my concern and make sure that he realizes that this is a serious matter. I would then encourage him to seek professional help, such as a specialist or a support group. It is important that he get the right diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up support.

At the same time, I will try to be flexible in adjusting as needed and focus on our relationship, if that is what he wants. There may be times of frustration, but staying engaged and continuing to care is important. I believe that with the right support, he can get back on his feet.

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A 17-year old boy lives independently. He is married and has one child. He wants to participate in a medical research study. Does he need his parents‟ permission?
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The answer will depend on the guidelines set forth by the research study that the 17-year-old is interested in participating in. Generally speaking, since he is married and has a child, the 17-year-old is considered to be a legal adult in the eyes of the Canadian government, and therefore does not need his parents‟ permission to participate in the study. That said, I would suggest that the 17-year-old thoroughly review the guidelines set forth by the research study to ensure that he meets all of the necessary requirements and that his participation is in compliance with the regulations of the study.

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A student is working in a clinic, where the office double book aboriginal patients. The student asks their reasoning and the receptionist replies that “These people never show up for their appointments.” How would you deal with this situation?
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In this situation, I would approach it with empathy and respect for both the receptionist and the Aboriginal patients. First and foremost, I would express to the receptionist that double booking Aboriginal patients is not the most efficient way to book appointments and not the best possible way to serve our patients. I would explore the reason why the receptionist feels double booking is necessary, and determine if there are any systemic barriers that may be preventing the Aboriginal patients from attending their appointments. I would discuss options with the receptionist that could be more effective in addressing the issue, such as reminder calls the night before, enabling Aboriginal patients to book their appointments quickly and efficiently, or providing additional resources to those patients who may have difficulty getting to the office for their appointments. In the end, my goal would be to ensure that all of our patients, regardless of their background, are provided with the same quality of service and access to care.

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A 18-year old man is diagnosed to have suspected bacterial meningitis. He refuses therapy and returns to the college dormitory. What should a physician do in this situation?
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If a patient is diagnosed with suspected bacterial meningitis and refuses therapy, it is important to follow-up with the patient and ensure proper safety measures are taken. First, the physician should ensure the patient is aware of the severity of their condition and potential consequences if they do not seek proper medical attention. It is also essential to inform the patient of the risk they pose to those around them, should they choose not to receive treatment.

In addition to continuing to explain the dangers of their condition, it is important to research the patient's options regarding proper care and treatment, including any financial aid or support groups that would provide meaningful assistance. Lastly, the physician should ensure that there is a strong support system in place at the patient's college dorm. This would include the availability of resources such as counselors, mental health professionals, and other home remedies if possible. Through continued conversations with the patient, the physician should work to ensure that the patient receives the care they need and that their safety is prioritized at all times.

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You are a first year medical student who is doing above average in some subjects, and below average on others. What would you do in this situation? What resources would you access?
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As a first-year medical student, it is not uncommon to struggle with some classes or topics more than others. In my experience, the best way to overcome any perceived weaknesses is to use additional resources and to think critically. Firstly, I would identify any areas that I am struggling with, reach out to my peers, professors, or tutors to access extra support and guidance, and actively look for additional resources to supplement my studies. These could range from online courses and tutorials, to review books and flashcards. Additionally, I would make sure to get plenty of rest and attend any extra classes or review sessions that are available. Finally, I believe it is important to prioritize and manage your time well to ensure you are able to stay ahead of the curriculum demands – this may involve reallocating study time towards the areas where more improvement is needed. By proactively using any resources at your disposal, I am confident the necessary improvement can be achieved.

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You are working on a group project with 5 other students. One of the students doesn‟t show up for meetings or if they do show up - they are late and leave early. They have put no effort into the group project but show up on the day of the presentation and try to take credit for the project. What do you do in this situation?
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When I am working on a group project with other people, I try to ensure that team dynamics are positive and productive. In a situation like this one, where a team member is not contributing, I would approach the situation with a calm and collected demeanor and bring it to their attention. I would give them a fair chance to explain their behavior and express any issues they may be having, while also emphasizing the importance of the group project and the need for everyone to give their full effort.

If they cannot or do not offer any valid explanations, I would make it clear that their lack of participation is having a negative effect on the team dynamic, as well as the project's outcome. I would employ problem-solving strategies to work through the situation and might suggest alternate deadlines for their tasks or rearranging their workload. However, if the behavior persists, I would ask for a team leader or supervisor to intervene and help address the issue.

Ultimately, in any project, it is important to recognize and appreciate the effort of every team member and to ensure that everyone is contributing equitably. Strong and effective communication is key to any successful team project, and it is important to create an environment where all team members feel supported and heard.

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You are a health researcher at an academic institution. You have been asked to work on a top-secret vaccine that would treat biomedical weapons or other communicable diseases. Before your break through, you are instructed by the government to stop all research and turn over all materials and copies of your work to be destroyed. You know you are very close to finding a cure. What do you do?
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As a health researcher and doctor, my moral obligation is to the well-being and safety of all. In this case, I would prioritize following the instructions of the government, as I assume that whatever direction they are giving is for the greater good and likely for the betterment of society. Of course, I would be disappointed by the halt of any work to find a cure and would hope to be able to complete the project in the future. At the same time, with any directive from the government, their instructions must be followed. I would take the necessary steps to turn over all materials and copies of my work, as well as insure that nothing is left behind that could be used for a different purpose.

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You are working in a clinic for street youth. A 16 year old girl comes in seeking sleeping pills that you do not think is appropriate for her. She says she will see another doctor if you do not prescribe them. What would you do?
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If the 16 year old is exhibiting signs of depression, suicidal ideation, or other mental health issues then I would first suggest engaging her in a dialogue to better assess her mental state. I would explain to her the importance of discussing with a mental health professional whatever may be causing her insomnia instead of using sleeping pills to cope. I would also emphasize that I am not able to better help her if she withholds important information and advise her to see a mental health professional that can better understand her condition and be able to provide more focused and personalized care. If the patient remains insistent on seeking sleeping pills, then I would refer her to another doctor who might be more willing to prescribe them. Under no circumstances would I prescribe sleeping pills to this patient and risk her safety for my own convenience.

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In June 2011, the Vancouver Canucks lost the Stanley Cup and riots broke out in Downtown Vancouver. Discuss the impact on the community and the range of health care professionals at St. Paul‟s Hospital.
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The event of the Vancouver Canucks' 2011 Stanley Cup loss had a devastating impact on the community, and it put a strain on the professionals at St. Paul’s Hospital. From what I recall, the emergency room and trauma teams were busy all night treating non-life threatening injuries resulting from the riots. It was a very stressful night for the health care team at St. Paul’s, as they had to take urgent care of people who had been injured in the riot as well as continue their usual duties.

The most significant impact of the Vancouver Canucks' 2011 Stanley Cup loss was on the mental health of the community. Students and young adults were the most affected, many showing signs of depression or anger issues. The event was a huge blow to the city’s morale, and the professionals at St. Paul’s had to work around the clock to provide care and support to those affected. A range of health care professionals, such as psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers, were necessary to address the mental health needs of the community following the riots.

Overall, the Vancouver Canucks' 2011 Stanley Cup loss had a major impact on the community and the demands on the care staff at St. Paul’s. The event highlighted just how vital experienced health care professionals are in times of crisis and unrest, and it was a powerful reminder of the importance of mental health care.

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Your 5 year old nephew asks you, "Why is the sky blue?” How would you answer him using a series of simple scientific experiments?
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I'm glad you asked me that question! The sky is blue because of the way sunlight interacts with tiny particles in the atmosphere. We can prove this with a simple science experiment. First, we need some water and a white wall. Fill a cup with water and hold it up against the wall. You'll notice that the color of the wall is reflected in the water. Now, pour some blue food coloring into the cup. When you look at the cup again, what color do you see? Blue! Now, when sunlight passes through the atmosphere, it hits tiny particles in the air, like blue food coloring does with the water. This makes the sky appear blue.

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Should there be legislation stating that a physician must report a gunshot wound of their patients to police? Discuss.
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I believe that a physician should report gunshot wounds of their patients to the police. Given the potential risks of having a patient with an untreated gunshot wound, it is essential to ensure that any patient with this type of injury is properly cared for . Further, reporting such injuries allows for a stabler community, preventing potential issues with gun-related violence. This is especially important when there is a potential risk of a patient presenting a risk to himself or to others. Additionally, I believe that by reporting gunshot wounds to the police, it gives an opportunity for the police to investigate any possible criminal activity and when applicable, apprehend the perpetrator.

Legislation requiring that physicians report gunshot wounds would help ensure that all gunshot wound patients were appropriately treated. It would also help ensure that a proper investigation is conducted into any criminal activity related to the incident. Whenever possible, I believe that efforts should be taken to protect both the patient and the community as a whole.

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You are shift supervisor at McDonalds fast food restaurant. The owner of the franchise has called you over. He is very upset as he has received 3 complaints in the last 30 minutes about the meat in the hamburgers being poorly cooked. There are two people (one male, one female both 15 years old) who have been cooking the meat for the past two hours. The female is the owner‟s daughter. How would you handle the situation?
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Thanks for the question. As shift supervisor at McDonalds, I have experience dealing with similar situations. When I am confronted with a situation like this, I always take into account the safety of the customers and employees.

The first step I would take is to investigate the situation. I would ask the owner questions to try to understand the exact complaints, like the nature of the issue and who reported them.

Next, I would discuss the concerns with the two employees who were in charge of the hamburger cooking shift to understand the process more thoroughly. I would ask about their process for preparing the meat, what temperature the meat had been cooked to, and if there are any additional safety measures that could be taken.

Depending on the answers, I would then put in place measures to rectify the situation. I would ensure that the customers who complained were provided with satisfactory compensation and that the issue was resolved correctly. I would also look into measures that we could put in place to ensure the same issue does not occur in the future, such as looking into the cooking temperature, staff training and development, and additional safety training.

At the end of the day, safety is always my number one priority. I believe that the best course of action in this case would be to investigate the situation, and then put in place measures to ensure the problem is corrected and doesn't recur. Thank you.

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An athlete who is training for the Olympics admits that he is using anabolic steroids and asks you to monitor his liver function. He would prefer to be under your care, as you are his family physician and you know his history. However, he states that if you do not agree, he will go to a walk-in clinic. Discuss the ethical issues in this case.
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As a physician, my primary concern is for the patient's health and well-being. My response to this patient's request is to strongly advise him against using anabolic steroids, as they are linked to serious health issues, including liver damage.

I would also advise him to seek medical care from a specialist rather than relying on a walk-in clinic, as that type of care may not be able to address the negative effects of steroid use on his body. Additionally, I would discuss with him the possibility of providing anonymous testing for drugs in his system to help him monitor his health, as well as the potential risks of using steroids in the long term.

Finally, I would want to discuss the ethical issues surrounding the use of such performance enhancers, including questions of fairness and health implications. Ultimately, I would urge him to consider other methods of training and competing to avoid the risks associated with anabolic steroid use.

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Universities are commonly faced with the complicated task of balancing the educational needs of their students and the cost required to provide learning resources to a large number of individuals. As a result of this tension, there has been much debate regarding the optimal size of classes. One side argues that smaller classes provide a more educationally effective setting for students, while others argue that t makes no difference, so larger classes should be used to minimize the number of instructors required. Discuss your opinion with the examiner.
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I believe that while larger classes may minimize the number of instructors required, it should not be the guiding factor when determining the optimal size of classes. Ultimately, smaller classes provide a more educationally effective setting for students, in my opinion. Not only can students learn more effectively due to more individualized instruction, but they are also more likely to stay engaged in the learning process. Larger classes can often be impersonal and resulting in a lack of student engagement. Furthermore, with smaller classes, instructors have an opportunity to assess any learning gaps and intervene quickly as needed. All these benefits become much harder to achieve in larger classes. Thus my opinion is that smaller classes are the optimal size for universities to strive for.

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Imagine you are the principal of a full fee paying school. There has been an allegation by members of the public of an incident in a park in which at least two senior students were seen verbally abusing a young person with intellectual impairment for the amusement of the group and other students. Two final year students are attending a hearing with you (their principal) to explain their actions in the incident. What are the issues that you (the principal) are likely to consider?
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As a doctor and principal, I recognize the severity of the allegations that have been made. I would consider a few key issues when handling this situation. First, I would assess the facts at hand. Was there a witness? What were the statements made? Based on the evidence at hand, I would need to determine the truth.

Second, no matter the outcome of the investigation, I would need to take disciplinary action to make sure this never happens again and to protect the safety of the students. This could range from suspension to removal from the school.

Third, I would ensure that all members of the school have a clear understanding of the school’s no-tolerance policy on bullying and abuse, and that it is understood that any such incidents will be dealt with strictly and fairly.

Finally, I would also extend my support and care to the victim of the incident to ensure that this never happens again and that the individual feels safe and supported. This goes beyond just physical safety, but also emotional and mental safety as well.

Ultimately, the goal would be to promote a sense of integrity and respect amongst the student body, and ensure that the students of the school recognize the importance of treating everyone with kindness and respect.

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If you have the choice of giving a transplant to a successful elderly member of the community and a 20 year old drug addict – how do you choose?
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If I had to choose between giving a transplant to an elderly member of the community versus a 20 year old drug addict, there is no easy answer. In my experience, treating a patient with an organ transplant is always a complex process and merits an individualized approach. Ideally, in such a situation, I would want to ensure that the person who is most likely to have the best overall outcome, with the highest likelihood of leading a full and satisfying life, would be the recipient of the transplant. In making the decision between the two people, I would need to carefully consider a wide array of factors, including the physical and mental health of the patients, the patient's post-transplant prognosis, their family and community dynamics, and their individual circumstances. This determination would be based on an evidence-based, ethical framework that aimed to provide the best outcome for both the individual and the greater community. Ultimately, my decision would be guided by the well-being of those involved and by the Hippocratic Oath, which I would strive to uphold to the best of my ability.

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Do you think medicine should be more about changing behaviour to prevent disease or treating existing disease?
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I think medicine should strive to be inclusive of both preventative and curative care. By imparting preventative measures and encouraging healthy lifestyle choices, we can significantly reduce the burden of chronic diseases that so greatly burden our population and healthcare system. We also must have effective treatments for existing conditions as cures for many medical conditions remain elusive in spite of our best efforts. Ultimately, I believe that a balance of both preventative and curative medicine is essential and that we should work together to ensure equitable care for all.

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You are spending your evening as a volunteer in the hospital. It is late and you see a number of staff duck into the supply closet with an empty bag and reappear in a few minutes with it appearing full. You have heard other staff members discussing that supplies are missing on a regular basis that cannot be accounted for. After observing the actions of the other staff members, what do you do?
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Given the situation I observed, I believe it is my duty to report the staff members for the suspicious activity. I understand that this is a delicate situation, as I am still a volunteer and it could negatively impact the staff members involved. That being said, I also understand that it is my professional and ethical duty to take action and can't be complacent as a part of the medical field. Therefore, my immediate course of action would be to report the incident confidentially to my supervisor at the hospital and let them take the proper steps depending on their investigation.

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A member of your family decides to depend solely on alternative medicine for treatment of his or her significant illness. What would you do?
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First of all, I’d try to understand the motivations behind my family member’s decision and ask for more information about the therapeutic approach they are considering and the available evidence for it. Depending on the context, I may be open to further exploring and discussing the alternative approach. However, I would ultimately advise my family member on the best route of treatment based on the most recent and reliable evidence-based research I’ve learned so far in medical school. I would encourage them to consult experts with knowledge and experience in traditional medical treatments. Ultimately, I would encourage my family member to pursue a combination of traditional and alternative treatments, if appropriate, in order to help ensure the best chance of relieving their symptoms and achieving the best health outcome.

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Recently, a drug company has been aggressively marketing their HPV vaccine for young girls to protect young women from cervical cancer. The vaccine has gained support because it will be protecting girls from this potentially deadly and costly disease. However, some people think there haven‟t been enough clinical trials. Pick a stance on this issue and prepare to support your argument.
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My stance on this issue is that the HPV vaccine should be available and supported, as the cost of cervical cancer prevention is far less than the cost of treating this disease. I believe the clinical data currently available on the vaccine supports its efficacy for preventing HPV-associated diseases, such as cervical cancer. This data shows that the vaccine has a high level of safety, efficacy, and acceptability. Additionally, there has been research in multiple countries studying the immunogenicity of the vaccine and results demonstrate that it stimulates an appropriate immune response.

I understand there are concerns that there are not enough clinical trials, but with its 10-year history, this vaccine has been rigorously studied. What's more, the medical community believes that HPV vaccines offer high levels of protection, citing data that determines it can help reduce the risk of cervical cancer. Thus, I rely on the collective medical opinion of the medical field when it comes to this issue.

The ultimate priority when deciding to implement a vaccine should be the safety of those receiving it. We must not forget that the HPV vaccine can help to save countless lives, both by preventing initial infection and by preventing subsequent cervical cancer induced from the infection.

We owe it to our patients to ensure their safety and we owe it to the public to do our due diligence when it comes to vaccines. That is why I am an advocate for the HPV vaccine.

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Discuss the social, legal, medical implications of a needle-exchange program with the interviewer. (Consider a needle exchange program to be a free service in which screens for STIs are provided, along with immunizations, physician referrals, and exchanging used needles for new ones). Follow up question: What are some viable alternatives?
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In regards to needle exchange programs, there are many social, legal, and medical implications to consider. On the social side, educational campaigns need to be launched to raise awareness about programs like needle exchange. This will allow for support from the community, and help the public become more aware of the services and treatment needed for those suffering from substance abuse. On the legal side, to prevent the distribution and illegal use of drugs, law enforcement should take measures to ensure that needle exchange programs are as safe and beneficial as possible. Finally, from a medical perspective, needle exchange programs provide access to medical services such as screenings for STIs, immunizations, and referrals to physicians. This can help to reduce the spread of infection, reduce risky behaviors, and save lives.

In regards to viable alternatives, one option could be to provide referrals to addiction treatment centers and other social programs, where those in need can receive the help and services they require. Additionally, there could be more resources put into education, research, and prevention efforts to address the underlying causes of substance abuse. Finally, clinics and hospitals could be established specifically to address addiction issues, as well as provide resources and support to those with substance abuse issues.

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An actor plays the role of your elderly neighbor. You have just accidentally run over your neighbor's cat whilst reversing your car. You have 5 minutes to break the bad news to her.
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I would first take a deep breath and take the time to prepare myself to deliver the news. Before breaking the news, I would pay attention to my neighbor's body language and prepare myself to handle an emotional reaction. When ready, I would explain calmly that there had been an accident and that her cat was unfortunately involved. I would offer my condolences and let her know that I am sorry and ask if she wants to talk about it. Depending on the response, I would provide emotional support and if possible, offer to pay for any veterinary bills. Furthermore, I would let her know that if she needs any help with the arrangements for the cat, I would be there for her.

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What do you see as being the biggest issues/problems in health care now and in the future. What do you think are possible solutions to these issues?
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One of the biggest issues in healthcare now and in the future is resource availability and allocation. With an aging population and the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, the demand for healthcare increases every year. This puts a great strain on the healthcare system, leading to issues such as long wait times, overcrowded facilities, and overburdened healthcare providers.

Substantial investments must be made in the healthcare system in order to address the resource issue. This can include investing in more efficient ways to deliver healthcare, such as telemedicine and expanded access to health information technologies. We must also consider expanding health care coverage, such as by increasing access to insurance, so that more people are able to receive the care they need.

Finally, we must prioritize preventative care. By investing in public health initiatives, such as campaigns encouraging healthy lifestyle habits and disease prevention programs, we can help curb the growth of preventable conditions, thus helping to alleviate the burden on the healthcare system. Taking a proactive approach to healthcare may be our most effective way of providing quality care to all Canadians.

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It has been suggested that in order to promote healthy lifestyles, medical schools preferentially admit students who do not smoke. Do you think this approach will be effective? Discuss the implications with respect to health and health care costs.
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I do think this approach will be effective in promoting healthy lifestyles. Studies have shown that medical students who are free of cigarette smoking and other unhealthy habits have a better outlook on health and wellness as they enter their medical career. By proactively selecting for those applicants who do not smoke, medical schools are sending a positive message about health and wellness, which can later be transferred to patients.

In terms of health and health care costs, this approach could result in a decrease in overall costs. By selecting for non-smokers and promoting a healthy lifestyle, medical schools are creating a foundation to minimize future health costs associated with smoking-related illnesses. This could ultimately result in a decrease in health care costs, as well as an improved quality of life for patients.

At the same time, there are potential issues that arise with this approach. Some may argue that pre-selecting those who do not smoke is a form of discrimination and may not take into account some potential medical students who may have a desire to quit smoking and make health and wellness a priority. Thus, it is important to ensure that opportunities are created in the pre-selection process that can provide support or resources for applicants to switch to a healthier lifestyle upon admission.

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Two patients need a liver transplant, but there is only one liver available at the time. Tell the interviewer how you would decide between a 64 year old politician who happens to be an alcoholic or, a 26 year old mother of three who is on welfare.
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That is an incredibly difficult decision to make and my immediate instinct is to find a way to save both patients. Unfortunately, that is often not feasible due to a lack of medical resources, including organs for transplant.

When considering the two patients, I believe that the best decision is to prioritize the welfare of the 26 year old mother of three. This decision is based on an ethical principle known as the principle of utility, which states that the decision should be made that would result in the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. In this scenario, the mother of three is still relatively young and has a life-long opportunity to make positive contributions to society, while the 64 year old politician is nearing the end of their life-span. That fact combined with their alcohol use, places the mother of three in a better position to make use of a donated liver than to the politician.

I would certainly consider other factors as well such as general health, existing familial and social supports, psychological stability and length of wait time. Ultimately, however, I believe that the principle of utility should remain an important factor in the decision-making process and that the 26 year old mother of three should be prioritized in this instance.

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You are a 3rd year medical student doing hospital rotations. A fellow medical student who is doing rounds with you often show up to these sessions tired, messy, hung over, or even drunk. One day you found him in the lunch room unaccompanied, so you decided to talk to him. Please enter the lunch room.
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As I entered the lunch room I saw my fellow medical student sitting at a table. I walked up to him and said, “Hi, I noticed you were alone. Is everything alright?” I could see from his red eyes and disheveled clothes that something was wrong.

He shook his head, looked away and replied, “No, it’s been a tough few weeks.”

I sat down next to him, looking around at the empty lunch room, and said, “I know you don’t want to talk about it, but I just wanted to let you know that I’m here to listen if you need somebody to talk to. I understand that things can get really tough when you’re on rounds and I just want you to know that I’m here for you.”

He was quiet for a minute but eventually looked at me with a hint of a smile and said, “Thank you. It means a lot.”

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Discuss any topical health care issue that is unique to the Pacific Northwest region (or region for Med School you are applying to)?
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As a physician practicing in the Pacific Northwest, one of the most pertinent health care issues that we’re facing is the rise of opioid addiction. As the crisis spreads, many people are being put at risk and the numbers of deaths are on the rise every year. This has led to an increase in resources and efforts to combat the opioid epidemic. Some of these interventions include access to medications that can help with addiction, such as buprenorphine, as well as places where individuals can safely dispose of unused prescriptions in order to help prevent misuse. In addition, there is an ongoing dialogue to provide better access to mental health resources, as many people that are developing addiction habits are being driven to drug use out of desperation. All of these efforts are geared toward providing better and more comprehensive care, in order to help address this issue in our region.

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The City of Vancouver has taken great measures to increase accessibility to alternative forms of transportation (Canada Line, Hornby and Dunsmuir Bike Lanes, Proposed Evergreen Line, and Burrard Street Bridge closures). Discuss the impacts (both positive and negative) of these decisions?
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I believe the efforts the City of Vancouver has taken to increase accessibility to alternative forms of transportation have both positive and negative impacts.

On the positive side, the increased use of public transportation, particularly the Canada Line, has helped reduce pollution in the city and has made it easier for residents to get around. This translates into a decrease in traffic congestion as well as improved air quality. This can also result in improved public health, as well as greater access to employment opportunities that may not have been accessible to individuals due to time constraints related to transportation. Additionally, the improvements to the city’s infrastructure have given a boost to its economy and have helped create jobs.

On the negative side, increased use of public transportation can cause overcrowding on buses, subways, and other services, resulting in longer wait times. This can be particularly challenging for individuals with physical or age-related limitations which can impede their ability to access alternative forms of transportation. Additionally, investments made in this area can be significant and can possibly strain city coffers. Finally, increased use of public transportation can also lead to misunderstandings and cultural clashes between different segments of citizens who may be traveling on the same transportation service.

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A message that recently appeared on the Web warned readers of the dangers of aspartame as a cause of an epidemic of multiple sclerosis. The authors claimed that aspartame remains on the market because the food and drug industries have powerful lobbies in Congress. They quoted Dr. Russell Blaylock, who said. "The ingredients stimulate the neurons of the brain to death, causing brain damage of varying degrees." Critique this message, in terms of the strength of the arguments presented and their logical consistency. Your critique might include an indication of the issues that you would like to delve into further before assessing the validity of these claims.
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My critique of this message in terms of the strength of arguments and logical consistency is that the claims presented appear to be based on one source, the opinion of Dr. Russell Blaylock. While his opinion carries a certain degree of weight, I do believe that a more thorough assessment requires further investigation. I would like to delve into more research on aspartame, including studies and data to back up Dr Russell Blaylock's claim. It would also be important to consider the potential reasons that Congress would have for allowing aspartame to remain on the market and the potential advantages or disadvantages that their lobby might constitute. Finally, to fully evaluate the claims made by the message, it would be critical to consider potential alternative explanations for an increase in multiple sclerosis, as the claims without examining these wider considerations would be too narrow to draw any significant conclusions from.

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You are a young, single doctor working in a small town of 1500. You meet an attractive male/female at the bar that you are interested in. What problems do you foresee?
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Deterrent Fees (Knowledge of the Health Care System) Recently, the Prime Minister of Canada raised the issue of deterrent fees (a small charge, say $10, which everyone who initiates a visit to a health professional would have to pay at the first contact) as a way to control health care costs. The assumption is that this will deter people from visiting their doctor for unnecessary reasons. Consider the broad implication of this policy for health and health care costs. For example, do you think this approach will save health care costs? At what expense? Discuss this issue with the interviewer.
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You are sitting at a desk in front of the interviewer with a screen between you. You have a set of blocks in front of you and you have to set them up in a certain way. The interviewer knows the solution and you can't see them and can only ask them yes or no questions. Correctly assemble the blocks.
Open GPT Response
A message that recently appeared on the Web warned readers of the dangers of aspartame as a cause of an epidemic of multiple sclerosis. The authors claimed that aspartame remains on the market because the food and drug industries have powerful lobbies in Congress. They quoted Dr. Russell Blaylock, who said. "The ingredients stimulate the neurons of the brain to death, causing brain damage of varying degrees." Critique this message, in terms of the strength of the arguments presented and their logical consistency. Your critique might include an indication of the issues that you would like to delve into further before assessing the validity of these claims.
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